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Twilight Tunes/Still Dreaming pt.1

Chapter 2

Twilight Tunes/Still Dreaming Pt.1

Surrounding my village is a stunning tapestry of many, many trees dotting all visible corners of view in an unorganized pattern imaginable leaving twigs, branches and kindling of all sizes strew visibly about its murky floor. On any other given night, when the moon is higher than the stars themselves and the sight of twilit trees dancing idly and casually within a cool breeze that you can feel against your warm body is almost as heavenly as anything else. However, not on this luscious night…the moon is high above us, watching our graceful, yet slowly unfolding battle between my archrival and I. My body, which is weakening substantially with every ephemeral moment that transpires, has become wrought with terror and fear as I stand against a dilapidated tree trembling profusely. My heart is racing wildly as my arid hazel eyes rapidly and repeatedly scan my environs apprehensively searching for my relentless adversary.

I have been running for a good while now…possibly three hours. After narrowly dodging him for that long has become exasperatingly difficult to restrain let alone apprehend my exhausted seemingly bestial breathing patterns out here in what felt akin to the coldest night of the year. I had too though. To expose any sign my location to him right here, right now…would be a grave mistake I would not soon forget.

The dark shadows of this forest, which was onset by the towering lumber obscuring the moonlight is my greatest ally...the many pillars of light that were as abundant as the trees…my worst enemy. My eyes…my tiring dry eyes…they remained riveted into the twilight before me as I examined my locality vigorously searching for even the smallest of my opponent's anomaly. Surprisingly enough the forest floor was comprised mostly of murk, there was no sign, no tracks of him even being here or following me. Maybe he'd gone or maybe this was just another simple roux. He has been after me for almost three hours or more. I know he wouldn't give up the pursuit so easily if he'd put that much effort into it to begin with. If my opponent is as crafty as he is deadly then I can be sure of one thing…he was utilizing the veil of the surrounding somber more proficiently than I was and possibly even watching me from a vantage point…

As this thought echoed throughout my fear-ridden mind numerous beads of sweat began to seep slowly over my visage as I gradually inched backwards into the shade...

Where are you? I ponder in my psyche almost psychotically as I take two impetuous and discerning steps backwards while allowing my eyes to shift rapidly about the forest… Show yourself.

Clouded with stomach churning fear and anxiety, my steps in the opposite direction began to hasten quickly until I hear a subtle splash. The echo of it is magnified by the dense forest. The tip of my toes on my right foot grew cold almost instantly and along with that came the abhorrent feeling of squishy adhesiveness. Almost without notice, I have foolishly stepped into a small mixture of murk and rainwater and entrapped the bottom of my training sandal in it. C'mon, not now! ...I gripe as, without haste, I fall to my left knee, clutch my right shin and attempt to pull my foot from the dense, sticky mire.

…Wait…I can hear him moving…far off in the distance…his patterns of motion, they…he knows where I am now...he’s moving towards me. I remain still, almost petrified as to not alert of my him position any further. I elevate only my startled eyes to the treetops and notice them oscillating slowly as an anemic zephyr softly sifted through them effortlessly. The realization of the magnitude of my situation brought a dejected grimace to my face. It is the coldest era night and I am currently being pursued by what seemed to be an unbeatable nemesis. At a time like this, wriggling trees was not a good sign to behold.

Great...here he comes...I maunder before tearing my captive appendage from the sandal's procuring strap leaving it in the mire behind me as I attempt to make a quick dash to the nearest cover…in other words, any random tree that I found sturdy enough to withstand an assault from my pursuer.

Within a few seconds of me retreating to a safe caver, I'm stopped in my tracks by a seemingly bottomless diamond shaped slit in the ground. Damn...Has his aim really increased that much... I murmur whilst I revisit my escape route. Of all things, he is using those again. Luckily for me and my foot though he missed...then again when he fights against me he always gives a warning shot first.

I glance to my right foot as I run hastily along my protective path. The left one was sheltered while the other was forced to contact the cold, wet muck after every space I took. The searing chill of the damp fen combined with the already possibly below freezing atmosphere was akin to walking on cold, frozen icicles. My equilibrium was slowly diminishing as the feeling in my right sole soon departed.

He’s using the elements themselves against me. I didn’t intend on going back for that other sandal because if I did, one of his handmade projectiles would slice through me with nearly precise accuracy. There was but only one thing to do…

Just show yourself! I know you're here!!...I yell into the nightfall. The somber taunted me as it retorted with my echo and the nearly silent hum of ambient night noises. My eyes inadvertently shift to the left as if to instinctively alert me of my adjacent cover. Out of the corner of my left eye, I noticed a broad and rather wide tree. Its damp bark was weak and chipping and its base, a sickly green as lichens, moss and fungi ate away at it decomposing for what seemed like years now. As I return my gaze back to the thick forest of similarly garbed trees searching for anything my crafty adversary had given away, which he undoubtedly didn't, I utilize the small window of inactivity to sidle behind that tree to my left.

Pant...Pant I swallow heavily and regain my breath as I take one last glance around the lumber's enormous base.

Great. For him to come close hitting me like that, he has to be in the near vicinity...at least a couple of meters south.

That means I'm far enough to be safe, yet close enough to ensnare him in my genjutsu. Perfect...

You know Tayuya that plan sounds great. It's just that if you're lucky enough to draw your Shakuhachi even lucky enough to play a few notes, the instant you do, you'd be killed by then.

...He was on the other side of this tree...

You’re slipping kid, and in a few minutes, you’ll fall.

Are you going to stand there, or are you going to fight me? I ask halfheartedly, my voice even trembling lightly.

Don’t try to bluff me. You can either come around try to perform some type of taijutsu or sit there and wait for me to...well... you know.

I release a fearful whimper as in truth, I had no choice. He’s gotten me with this strategy before. What I was running from a few seconds ago was a shadow clone. My heart began to race faster and faster as every tactic I thought of saw through to utter failure.My throat, corroded with fear and stifled air produce no excuse or any response at all.

Okay. He said. Let me assist you in your choice. I'm going to count to three. If you are not around by the time I finish, I'm going to end you tonight alright? One... The countdown began...my already arid eyes shifted meticulously as I contemplated plan after plan and tactic after tactic.

Two... I close my eyes and I begin to think of the worst possible outcomes of me not stopping him. He was exponentially stronger than me in all areas...even as a tactician...and on my team that was my job.

Well Tayuya, get ready. Thr... With every thing I had, I quickly jump out to the side of the tree and with the remaining momentum, I thrust myself to attack him.

Please...He sidesteps my assault allowing me to fall to the mire below, but not before delivering a quick, yet weak palm to my left shoulder. I catch myself with my hand and attempt to rotate myself to deliver a quick kick to his side. He efficiently ducks it and doesn't retaliate but instead smile toothily. This guy was toying with me...

C'mon now... He quips. I know you can do a lot better than that.

I couldn't though. That was my most complex attack I had to offer. Utilizing my dexterity, I quickly evade him with a flurry of backward flips in the opposite direction. Each time I would elevate though, I would notice those same diamond shape slits appearing before me. I had to maneuver faster to one of these trees, but if I slowed my speed, I'd definitely get cut...deeply.

I quickly land the last flip and spin hastily to relax myself behind the tree I was aiming for. Luckily, I'd gotten their in time. I could hear the rest of his projectiles getting lodged in the other side of the tree. A few moments later, I devise the only plan I had left. I need to get to my Shakuhachi flute in order to finish this fight.

I can hear the masterful yet deadly melody of his instrument, the Koto, being strummed off in the distance. This was the worst possible thing that could happen…he had used my own strategy against me. I was far enough to remain hidden, yet close enough for his genjutsu to work effectively. From the sound of it, he was about twenty meters away…that was more than close enough for his attack to work perfectly. But…if I'm correct, he's close enough to me as well. My attack was as strong as his...my only disadvantage was that he could play his instrument quicker. I had no time to waste.

With no haste, I glance down to my right side. There is a small light brown resource pouch hung around my waist and dangled above my thigh. I reach to the small clipped accessory pouch that hung lazily over my right side and pull the button outward so quickly, my wooden Shakuhachi flute slipped out.

Mother...come here. I disdain as I kneel to pick it up. Whilst I do so, I take notice to the fact that the music from his koto had stopped playing. This meant that either he was tired of playing or his genjutsu had taken effect.

I quickly glance to my left and then my right. Everything seemed normal. Maybe he had chosen to spare me the pain this time. I take sigh of relief as I kneel to retrieve my fallen weapon.

As I arose to my feet and prepared to use my genjutsu against his, I noticed he was still playing. Maybe he had missed a chord or something. Regardless, if I could play these few notes just a little quicker than he, I could have this fight over.

Okay...Here we g...Single Card Style: Combustion Jutsu!!

Damn. I didn't see that move coming at all. His Jutsu caused one of his many handcrafted projectiles to explode, destroying the tree as well as propelling me to the ground at an incredible pace.

Embedded in my skin were many shards of wood that caused numerous trills of blood to flow freely from them.
Tayuya, you might want to move there! I could barely hear his voice over my now thumping headache or see him with extensively blurred vision.

Slowly, with an aching, possibly fractured neck, I turn over only to have my eyes greeted by the sight of the tree gradually beginning to fall

I've got to hurry or else…oh no…My…my body… I find myself unable to move. Just when I thought it was over, I find myself between the ground and possibly hundreds of pounds of rotting lumber...

-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-

Hmmhmm. How the mighty have fallen... I could hear him snickering and joking. You can stand if you like. The genjutsu as well as this fight is over.

I remove my hand from my eyes open them and notice him standing above me. His stood before the moon. It gave him an angelic lace as he stood with an extended hand of aid. Before I took his hand though, I noticed a change in his features…changes that only the nightly atmosphere could accentuate. His face was keener, as if he was nearly emaciated yet well lavished. His hair black, corrugated, unkempt yet it flowed backwards like somber tomes waving in a southern breeze. His eyes...his despondent yet alluring eyes. His pupils are an eerie twilight dark that rested on the white background of his corneas. Small, yet noticeable lines are traced beneath them. This ocular attribute gave him the look of a skillful, yet weary individual who needed a deep, deep rest. Nevertheless, as much time as he spent on his craft, anyone would be tired.

This is my adversary, my archrival, my enemy...my beloved teammate Akatan Yanagi.

Up to your feet Tayuya. We have to get back to the Otokagakure academy or else we're going to get in trouble again.

What a whiner. At least he held out his hand to assist me up.

Oh sorry…Aki. I say playfully before I regain my composure and face him.

The name is Akatan, loser. And what the hell girl? Why do we even do this? You challenged me just about five times every since we entered the Oto academy and you still have yet to beat me. Even threatening to kill you doesn't cause you to fight harder. He griped almost in a yelling tone.

All his life, or as far as I can remember, he has always tried to boss me and our other teammate Kariyushi Sanshin around. In the end though, he just comes off as something similar to an infant who can't get his way.

Oh shut up Aki. You see this time I could tell how far away you were. Isn't that an improvement? Hey, remember, just because you’re a year older than I am, that doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.

Didn’t Sankyoku-sensei assign me the position of leader? Let us stay on track here, okay?

Alright. Just give me an assessment please? I request impatiently.

Well, I guess these sessions of ours have taught you a little something. He complemented with a small assuring smile. Still though Tayuya, you rely too much on distance and casting your genjutsu.

Yeah but...I try to interject...You attacked me in an attempt to try to psyche me out...not smart. Then you ran to a tree that was within twenty meters of me? You know doing that type of thing will never grant you victory over my Koto or anyone else.

Well... I retorted as I rolled my eyes in nonchalance... At least this time I figured out where you were causing you to come to me.

I only did that because I wanted to see what you would do once you were confronted. You did kinda well...I guess. Akatan admitted as he rubbed the neap of his neck showing that the truth in his statement wasn't all there. Next time though, try to hit me at least.

With a bright smile and a weak nod, I retort...Soon enough. When I learn how to play this Shakuhachi flute, I'll have you crying...hmmhmm.

Whatever. See this is the type of crap I lecture you about. Just remember Tayuya, some people are still what?

Still Dreaming Aki...I answer promptly but not as enthusiastically...still dreaming.

Ahhh...the Koto, a twelve-string, twelve-pound instrument Akatan carries on his back. That implement of his was handcrafted so long ago and passed down through his family's lineage. The thing is about one and a half meters long. I hate it. I can't beat that instrument. Every time I challenge him or when we play our instruments for fun it's like he has a sixth sense in which his skill with it are multiplied tenfold. Also, when we are in the academy he can't hit the right chord to save his life. Well…at least during missions he comes out in the end as a life saver. That much, I can thank him for.

Oh yeah Tayuya. Your sandals...where are they?

Oh, they must've fallen off during the fight or something. Don’t worry about them.

Hmm...He contemplated as he placed his forefinger and thumb beneath his chin.

Here we go. When he does the hmm thing, he's reflecting on something. Look...you can use mine for now, okay. I don't want yo...my teammate getting ill in the midst of our rest period.

I halt as face him with a concerned gaze. But what about you, Aki? You’re the self-proclaimed strongest... I inquire with a sarcastic grin.

I'll be fine. Don't worry about me okay? Akatan responds, placing an assuring hand on my left shoulder. I just don’t want yo…my teammate...heh heh... getting ill. Besides, me and Kariyushi can’t strategize as well as you can.
It goes without saying that I was blushing from his flattering statement. Akatan was too kind of a person, especially to me.

Well...thank you Aki. By the way, I finished your Otokagakure uniform. I refined it for you as well.

As he slipped off his sandals and kicked them over to me, he responds... Really? Thank you. I can't wait to see it then. Did you fix that huge hole that was in the chest area?

I fixed it all for you Aki. You'll see it... I respond as I placed my feet inside his already warmed sandals. I believed that Aki was always pleasant to me. But then again, so was I to him.

Great. Now c'mon Tayuya, let's go back. Carrying this thing is getting tiresome. Akatan directed as he threw his hand forward in a Jonin advancement signal.

I didn't respond to him.

Hey, Tayuya! C'mon now! We have to go check on Kariyushi. You know how he gets when we leave him alone like this.

Still, he gets no response from me.

Sigh Tayu.. He turned and is silenced by the sight of me brandishing my Shakuhachi.

What are you doing now girl? It’s like ten and you still want to attack? He asks as he ogles me with a puzzled stare.

Aki, please. One more time. I request as I grip my instrument tightly. Let me fight again.

Hey Tayuya…no. I’m beaten as it is. Can we just go so I can go to sleep? Please? Akatan begged in a voice that bordered pathetic.

I really didn’t have time to hear him to complain, so I decided to coax him with more…conventional means.

Okay, Aki. You win.

Thank you... Akatan said, turning his back to face his handmade path to the village. You know, you just may be able to beat me soon enou...SOUND STYLE: SOUND SCYTHE JUTSU!!

Akatan doesn’t turn, but listens to the sound of my ninjutsu. He stood almost paralyzed in awe for a sound he’s thought he’d never hear was audible in the near distance. What he could hear were four crescent-shaped blades, two on each side of me that emitted an almost silent yet shrill tone as they revolved at an incredible pace.

I’m very sorry that it has to come to this, but I learned this new ninjutsu and I just wanted you to see it.

Tayuya, this is actually a startle for me. You’ve learned a new skill. Akatan admitted as he slowly turned around revealing a stare of awe and subtle happiness. This took me by surprise because he’s usually demeaning and belittling of my ninja skills. After that discovery, he continues...Okay my dear friend...I will fight you once more.

Don’t hold back either, okay? I know for the past few nights, you’ve been holding back.

If that is how you want it. I’ve always wanted to show you why Sankyoku-sensai elected me as leader of this team.

I’d want it no other way, Aki. It’s about time you stopped going easy on me. This is what I had been longing for...the chance to unveil my new attack to our false, cocksure leader and show him the fruits of my painstaking labor.

With a flick of his wrist, out of the left sleeve his rather thin long-sleeved t-shirt flies a card. He masterfully caught it between middle and index finger raises it an inch from his chest and rotates it so I can see its insignia. Upon this card rested the insignia of his trademark number and oddly enough the crest of his family, the number zero.

Listen to me. Tayuya Senritsu, are you sure you want my full potential? What we do here every other night isn’t a contest it’s a...

Aki... I interject briefly, my eyes sealed in an irritated manner... You said you were going to fight, not b***h so please... shut the hell up and fight me already!

Okay smartass. Are you ready? Akatan jibes before reeling his wrist back as he prepared to launch.

Are you? I respond, placing my fingers over the holes of the Shakuhachi flute as I drew it to my lips.

I can tell, even in the darkness that in his listless weary eyes it pained him to even think about assaulting more than he’d previously done...but this was something that I just needed to be done. I need to assess my skill someway and he was the only one caring enough to let me join him in training. This is going to be a hindrance to both me and him, but I have one more unseen technique that will make him fight back...the Doki Demons are on my side tonight...

Wow...they fight awfully hard and Tayuya, that’s not really fair to play with his emotions like that. Well, anyway it seems as if this story is getting off to a nice comfortable start don't you think? The next chapter will be... well a good one. Plenty more chapters will be in production very very soon so for now, do the four R’s. Read, reminisce, revive and review...really... Peace and love to you all!!!

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