Zombie Doll
Zombie Doll, still nameless. She's just a doll that I made up / draw for fun.
General Info: -17-ish, mischievious, impish, like playing pranks on people. -She wears an eyepatch because her right eye is blind from an accident as a child. The eye under that eyepatch is always red and glowing slightly.
Background Info: -nothing really, she's just my little doll.
Physical Appearance -the eye that's not covered is hazel with a tint of red. -loves thick eye liner + mascara -has short black hair with silver streaks, usually always tied up in pigtails -usually wears a tight black tanktop with a loose black blouse over it, and a dark-red skirt. The skirt is often uneven lengthed. -loves striped socks. -usually wears sneakers with shoelaces untied or only half-tied.
Other Info? -Zombie doll has her own little toy as well... a black puppet teddy bear with a silver star around its eyes. Haven't drawn it yet...
Stories of Her -none yet. and probably never will be. >_<
Artworks of Her By me:
 full view at: http://j-kalika.deviantart.com/art/Gothic-Doll-46046921
By Others:

Sorry for lagging your computer... ^^;
J_Kalika · Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 11:08pm · 0 Comments |