Race: Half Demon Half angel
Age:About 1200
Astrological Sign: Unkown
Chinese Zodiac Sign: unkown
Blood Type: (his blood is poisenous
Beliefs/Religion: uncareing
Hobby: Bugging his lover,playing,
Basic Description:he is fun loving and careing but has a twised past that cuase pain through out his life
Current Information
>family background : his mother (male) was a demon and his father was a high class angel when he was born he was taken from noth parents
>birth place. human world
>history, background : when he was taken from his parents he was put into a labrtory by the heavens they experimented on him and caused him much pain.
>home. with his lover in the forest
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc. the other half of the locket his lover has a crystal embeded in his chest
>pets a little kitten
Physical Description
>hair style messy
>eyes blank blue
>body tall and skinny
>marks,scar,tattoo has a scar on his hip
>clothing anything likes wearing his lovers butten up shirts
>likes sweets,animals, his lover, just about anything
>dislikes mean people the ones that captuerd him
>fears of going back in that place where he was kept loseing his lover
>hobbies eating
>occupation works at a cafe
>favorite food starwberrys
>least favorite food meat
>most prized possesion (important or emotional value) his necklace
>vernacular (way of speaking) he talks with a light french acent
>psychological condition is child like not really compeletly there
>character behaviour hyper, lost
>social and other pressure, problems he has mental problems and the people from the lab are after him again
>relationships (with who and what kind)
>positive characteristics loving
>negatives characteristics gets scared easly
>physical he can run fast
>magical he is able to control ice