i wrote:
No jkjkjk lololol (x
&& ewwie go eat a barsoap..according to what Pauly said..lol
get yo mind off the gutter, hoe! jkjk! xD
i kno && it is a way to get gold..pshyeahh!
just wait Belinda..soon i shall ambush yooh and urr reaction is gonna be like what?! huuuuh?! xD
i kno..i have noticed that..Tyler attracts alot of attention
i think he came back from Lousiana x3
imma tryy to call him
i love the wayy he reacts when we tickle him
its soo cuuuuute! >w<;;
i haven't talked to Pauly since foreverrrr..
dood like woahh..
well hayy once yooh get back from Michigan..tell me about urr tripp
w/b <3565765868
Belinda wrote:
yah i wanna go! i wanna go! i wanna go! i wanna go!
teehee jkkk
that sound srsly wrong xD "i wanna go!" wtffff xDD
lol we made up "Journal PM Message [JM]" now xDD teehee
orly?! ambush huuuuuhhhh?!
just try then xD
lol you have to take a helicopter then xD
ya know what?! i noticed that tyler is we are constantly around tyler xD like maddcrazy
we're always hugging him and tickling him xD
hes soo cute when he curls up~
i like love to tickle pauly too xD
its funneh!!
but yeah awe i cant see him for another blahh weeks )':
lol@chris & priority
&&YES i luff love pauly alott (:
teehee jkkk
that sound srsly wrong xD "i wanna go!" wtffff xDD
lol we made up "Journal PM Message [JM]" now xDD teehee
orly?! ambush huuuuuhhhh?!
just try then xD
lol you have to take a helicopter then xD
ya know what?! i noticed that tyler is we are constantly around tyler xD like maddcrazy
we're always hugging him and tickling him xD
hes soo cute when he curls up~
i like love to tickle pauly too xD
its funneh!!
but yeah awe i cant see him for another blahh weeks )':
lol@chris & priority
&&YES i luff love pauly alott (: