Age: Unknown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
realm from: Dark Realm (were there is very little light)
Race: Mix between a smoke demon and a shadow demon
Weapons:his hands and feet.
Special abilities: Uses smoke and shadows for his attacks. He mastered different types of martial arts; Aikido, Jodo, Kali Silat, karate, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, Tae Kwon Do.
Background/History: He was born to a Shadow Demon father and he never really knew his mother. She died when he was born. Over the years Myou’s father showed him a few tricks to use with his powers. But at that time Myou started to surpass his father by creating his own world. Once he created his world and had it established he brought his father there. To show him his world and all its wonderment, however upon having his father enter his world it drove his father to the brink of madness. What Myou didn’t know was that during one of his father’s episodes he began to mix fact with fiction and he told Myou fabricated lies. This in turn caused Myou to blame his father for his mother’s death, he felt betrayed and worthless, casting his father from his world, His world became full of rage and hate. This only grew over time and so one night Myou pulled his father back into his world and forcefully drove his father over the edge. Once he was done with him, his father was nothing more than a babbling idiot. Feeling sorry for the lowly pathetic b*****d he became an angel of mercy to his father, he made his father rot and decay from the inside out. After his fathers death he found out what had happen to his mother and what she was. Feeling guilt from having killed father all over a tangled web of lies, he decided to obscure his age by tapping into his mother’s abilities that had been past on to him. In doing so, no one is quite sure how old he truly is.
Personality: calm and not easy going dose not talk much.