Ooh! Gekirangers doing the caramel dance, how Kawaii! Jan-kun(Gekireddo/Gekired-red) looks so happy and cute while Gou-kun(GekiBaioretto/Gekiviolet-violet) looks annoyed for some reason! Neh, Retsu(Gekiburu/Gekiblue-blue) is happy, that's kinda rare... Mr. Frowny. It's so cute how they are doing the caramel dance. Hehe, Ken-san(Gekichoppa/Gekichopper-white and orange) kinda looks like my Kuya Mon(he's once of my cousins). I feel bad now, I haven't talked about one of the best female Super Sentai Ran(Gekilero/Gekiyellow-yellow) she's awesome even if she kinda gets on my nerves some times. This sucks, I couldn't find something like this for the The Seven Fist Sages(Seven Kensei of Justice/Shichi Kensei) I'd like to see Sharkie Chan and Bat Li try to do the caramel dance! Hehe, Sharkkin! Ok, now I'm just hyper...