Ok, so yeah I love Final Fantasy and the people who created it. (Thank you sooo[x10,000,000 and more] much Square- Enix!) I think that they do a really good job on the characters, plots, landscape etc. I have a lot of favorites! (Can't wait for Final Fantasy Versus 13! Looks really cool and the main character is "kinda" cute.) But my favorite thing about Final Fantasy is the creatures that they created. Those things a wicked awesome! Every time I create a Final Fantasy fanfic I always include the different creatures from the games that look really cool and the ones that I have had a tough time to beat in the games. I have a few that I really like a lot and would like to highlight. In the fanfic I'm creating right now I have all the creatures listed below in it and some others that I don't feel like mentioning!
1. Valefor the Aeon

My drawing attempt: I know, it sucks

Reason: Valefor is one of the coolest looking aeon in the world of Spira. I love how it enters into a battle when Yuna summons it! Valefor has a really cool attack called "Energy Blast" which he gets from a dog in the game, I say it's cool cause he actually uses hit's long hair/feathers to create like a pentagram or something and sends out rays of energy at the foe. It's really awesome! Plus I kinda think Valefor is kinda cute in chibi form! Hehe I just love Valefor.
2. Leviathan

Reason: Leviathan reminds me of like a gigantic sea snake with mini wings at the sides of it. Most of all I really like it's coloration. A teal kind of color and a sea green color very nice! Hehe I love how it floats.....
3. Ifrit the Aeon

Reason: OMG this is like my second best aeon in my FFX game. Ifrit kinda looks like my dream dog a little. But I love it's overdrive attack, Hell fire. It rocks! It's so kawaii in chibi!
4. Angelo Rinoa's dog

Reason: Nothing really, Angelo just rocks! It's suck a cute dog and looks just like my cousins dog Jack!
5. Moogle (Cc version)

Reason: Three words, Cotton Ball Cuteness
6. Carbuncle

Reason: Looks like Ruby Carbuncle from Yu-gi-oh! He, Jesse is kinda cute but I love Jimby more! He so smexy!! Jim and his Aussie smexy-ness!
7. Bahamut the Aeon

Reason: Because he's one of the most famous creatures to be made in the Final Fantasy games! He's like in almost every one of them!
8. Chocobo

Reason: Best way to get around in the Final Fantasy worlds! Chocobo racing, 2nd best minigame next to Blitz Ball in Final Fantasy 10. I love Chocobo Dungeons!
9. Ixion the Aeon

Reason: Awesome Thunder/Horse/Unicorn aeon in the game! I like the good version better then the bad one! The good one looks pretty!
10. Tonberry

Reason:So cute how they stab members of your party when you go head to head against them. Don't mess with these cute little guys!
11. Fenrir

Reason: Bad @$$ creature! I love this guy, it looks so fluffy and rabid!
12. Cerberus

Reason: Three heads are better then one foaming mutt!
13. Moomba

Reason: It's just cute, nothing really special.
14. Anima the Aeon

Reason: Seymor's mom rocks! Anima is creepy but really powerful! I thank it for it's creepy overdrive!
15. Stray/ Caith sith

Reason: Creepy but cute!
16. Yojimbo the Aeon

Reason: I hate it's attacks, I lose too much money just to get an instant kill!
Bad self for not entering an entry yesterday! Bad self!