its my avatar...i think it looks kinda good...and allison just got off...and kristen
stopped messaging me...did she forget me? im not important!!!!!well im going
to get some songs on rock band which include:
Afterlife by avenged sevenfold
critical acclaim by avenged sevenfold
inside the fire by disturbed
this aisnt a scene, its an armsrace by fallout boy
and i have to clean my room...and there is a hurricane wednesday and my parents
wont let us bring in the kitties that are outside...what if they die!!! ok my mom said
that she is going to call the animal people to come and get them...but what if they
think that they arent cute enough and no one wants them!!!!then they are going to
kill them...im sad now...
ok im going to cry now!
Community Member
2nd of all...i would never forget you, and you know that! I love you
3rd of all...where's ally??
4th of all...we shouldn't get a lot of the hurricane...just some strong winds and lots of rain!