Total Value: 138,668 Gold
After Exclusions: 99,637 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Tama's Basket
Luck o' the Gairish
Green/Yellow Sun Visor
Green Corallus Egg 2nd gen.
Green Corallus Egg
Green Body Dye
DandiiDooDad Spore
DandiiDooDad Spore
Cactus Green Wild West Duster Coat
We simply have a lack of great green avatars on Gaia.
Here's my take.

Total Value: 1,255,444 Gold
After Exclusions: 988,336 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Let it Snow
Staff of the Angels
Biancamella 4th Gen
Oculus Mythica
Mythic Hair
Solar Headdress
Solar Headdress
Solar Headdress
Solar Cloak
The overdone angelic theme.
Anyone who played Gaia when it first dropped knows everyone had one of two avatars, angelic or demonic. It's usually more of status thing anyway.
Regardless, I love this avatar and don't care if thousands have ruined this theme.
And it's actually doable.
******** the Angelic Sash and Scarf. 30mil. Suck it, Lanzer. xd

Total Value: 591,701 Gold
After Exclusions: 26,887 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Drome Egg 3rd gen.
Ruby Forehead Jewel
Red Tribal Torso Tattoo
Red Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Red Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Red Tribal Head Tattoo
Red Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Gift of the Gods
Adobe Leather Kachina Dancer Skirt
Adobe Woven Kachina Dancer's Cape
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Demonic Pendant
YHBT hat
Since I have all the 'big' items on this one anyway, I practically already own it.
I was going for an eastern warrior of sorts.
Perhaps a European born into the culture as his eyes don't look like two sideways 'Ginas.

Total Value: 723,466 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Body Dye
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Anklets
Guitar of Demona
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil
The demonic theme has been overdone but I still enjoy this avatar.
No, I'm not emo-- I just like it.
He looks hideous, enslaved, and tortured.
Kick a**.

Total Value: 467,183 Gold
After Exclusions: 181,012 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Oculus Magica
Superior Form
Inari's Beads 3rd Gen
Blue Stripes Head Tattoo
Enchanted Book
Azure Tatsu Helm
Azure Tatsu Helm
Azure Tatsu Helm
This is a showing of the manifestation of earth spirit and plasma from the Gods.
I think it turned out fairly well, don't you?
In the comments, tell me what your favorite is and offer any critiques and suggestions you can muster.
Also, you can suggest a theme and I will try to work it out.
I've been told I'm fairly good with TekTek. xd