As sudden as an air sweep, his lovely words penetrated my heart like no others had. His constant reasuring and kind thoughts warmed my ice cold complexion, melted my fears, vanished my insecurities. His intense look, those gorgeous brown eyes shot right through my soul, and within an instant, without even a whisper he loved this humble server...
Within the fraction of a moment, he became prince and master of all I am.
It was unexpected, unseen, who would have known that the one I longed and searched for so vigurously was there from the start? Waiting patiently to claim what was and forever will be his. Silly how I looked on all the wrong places, mistaking stupid child games and empty promises for love and affection. I broke my heart at my own cause for I always tried to give it to the wrong ones. But he waited, consistance and persistance flawless as he awaited my glance, my touch, my words, my love.
He stood on the same spot every day near me, expecting the only prove of my aknowledging his existance: a poke. It all started by a look, a smile, and a shy one recieved, a poke and an "ok?" Oh, who would have known that on that irressistable side smile of his I would find my eternal happiness? That on those hands I would find my Godsent comfort?
I always thought he was attractive on a distant type of way. Like one would look at a cute guy in the mall that you knew you would never see again. You knew you would never have a chance with him; not because he was too much of because you didnt have the guts to ask for one, but simply because the thought of doing something about it never really crossed your mind. The thought that this simple yet compicated; mysterious yet honest young man could be or rather was to be my soulmate never crossed my mind. Until he finaly grasped the so eagerly foreseen opportunity.
Thank God for omline char services. Because thats how we established our relationship as friends. but something struck me from the very second we startedon that, the first of our eternity of conversations. He was different. Unusually irresistable. He understood my every word as if he thought of them himself, knew just what to say at the right time and on which humor to do so. He was deep on his words, wise like no other at his age, a musician, an artist. He was an analyst , someone who had most if not everything figured out by the grace of God Himself. But most importantly, he believed on the same God I did and respected my every opinion on the subject. Ofcourse, he has his way of persuasion as the amazing manipulator he is, but I never minded it from him. On the contrary- it was very arousing.
I fell in love. Had. I never knew what lovewas until he caused it on me. He made me realize that all I've ever heard about love is true to an extent. That there's no right definition of it, everyone interprites it their own way. And this is mine: him. My God gave me the most amazing gift. Someone to prove that he was watching and making my worthless life meaningfull. God brought a new shine to my life, and there's not one day I dont thank Him for it.
With him, my beloved, I grew. I was a simple bud, no special beauty to it and he made me bloom into the most beautiful of them all. Intellectually he gave me new perspectives, spiritually he gave me more wisdom. He made me laugh with my heart, cry tears of joy... He brought out who I trully am and never puts me down for it. What can I say?
He is master of my heart...
Currently we await the rest of our lives. As friends, as lovers, as team mates, as soul mates. We have been blessed by God. And we will fight for what we have. Of that there is no doubt.
You make sacrifices for those you love. The ironic thing is that if they trully love you, those sacrirfices will be countered, thus canceled by their own for you. It's silly but thats love for you.
--Mar (His Swan)
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