(Left to right: Arisa 'Ren' Urahara, Akiko Jounichi, and Arashi Junoichi)
The three leaders of the vampire mafia in my fanfic! They rock out loud! And any-who the reason for me to draw Arisa, Akiko and Arashi like this is, HOW I FELT TODAY and the feeling I felt to day was boredom(Arashi), crazed or crazy(Arisa) and a bit placid(Akiko). I know you can't really tell how they feel that much, besides Arisa being crazed/crazy, but just work with me!

Hehe, I just love this picture! I know I drew another picture similar to this one before but oh well! This is a new one so might as well talk about it! *Ahem* before in my fanfic binder I didn't have enough individual pics of Arashi so I was going to draw Arashi by himself. Until, I told myself, "That's not very fun since he always seems bored or angry alone. Then I was watching teh 3rd D.gray-man opening and it was at teh part where it was only Tyki then Jasdero, my fave, and Debitto came in so it gave me an idea! So that's how I drew teh group pic! Then I remembered that I drew a similar one!^^

for this pic, I just decided to draw chibi's cause I luv them oh so dearly!

Woohoo! Evil Caramel dance! Yeah!

Yeah! Normal Caramel Dance! Woohoo!
And now The End! Owari!! Sayonara! Bye bye! See you next journal entry!