Angela is a calm, quiet girl who often sticks to herself. Even though her twin, Rose, is always somewhere near, she finds it a very bad idea to stick around her while she's hunting, for Rose has no reason not to attack her sister when prey becomes short. Angela would rather talk something out then fight, but she will if she must if its to protect something she loves. Her dainty form and frailty makes her fighting skills weak, but she makes up for it in brain power, she is much better at statagizing and assessing a sistuation. Always vigilant, young Angela never lets her guard down around strangers, knowing that in an instant what you thought to be an alley could turn on you, as she has learned from the loss of her mother and father, and living with her twin Rose. Not one to show off, Angela keeps her body hidden under a baggy blue sweater and cargo jeans, not wanting anyone to suddenly like her. She reads in most of her spare time, keeping to the books she knows are true and writing alot herself, she would definately make the top of her grade if she went to school, which is slowly becoming impossible seeing as the twins are always on the run. Though she tries not to make enemies, her sister makes it hard for her not to, and with her weak fighting skills she is definatly considered a "weak" opponent.