Week Three Changes
The subject's hair has continued to length and darken. It is much wilder now and a dark brown.
The subject's eye color has continued to change. Strangely, it now seems to be lightening into an orangish hue.
The fine layer of fur growing on the subject is still the same.
The subject's ears are beginning to lengthen and become more pointed. They are visible through her long hair.
The subject has started to grow what appears to be a tail from her tailbone region.
The subject has stated that she is beginning to show signs of a shortening attention span (quite believeable, as she continued to stare out the window as I spoke to her) and feels the need to be more reclusive. When feeling happy, she has started to make noises in the back of her throat.
I administered the next series of treatments and await next week's results.
On an unrelated note, Sugar_Guitar147 has asked me if I was in any way involved with the research for creating vampires. The answer is that I was not. I was not in Gaia at the time, although I am very interested in the vampire virus. And yes, it is a virus. Of what nature however, I cannot say...
Edit: I'm begining to become slightly concerned with the bug bite on my arm. The itching has not ceased and it has become slightly red and raised. While it is possible it is only a mosquito bite, I am looking into analyzing it for more information.