Stand up my brothers and sisters of mayhem. Rise to your feet and rasie your rock fist above your heads in pride. Shredders and pow junkies get your eyes to the sky and pray to god for an early winter. Snow is only several months away and already i find myself sitting in my den making adjustsments and tightening the binging nuts on the board I got as a grad gift from my parents. Maybe they aint so abd after all? NAH! Dont trust anyone over 30 I say!
So any who's I'm itchin for snow and the only thing taht seesm to quiet that snow beast within is to 1) stand in teh freezer at work, 2) listen to vast amounts of heavy metal music. Either way I feel better so i rock both at the same time most of the times now! My most recent obsession isnt metal at all in the music realm. Its rock yes, but its Japan Rock. I fidn myself singing stuff by JINN all the time as of late. But then again i listen to Heavy speed Jazz and the like so its not like ti wasnt to be expected. On my recently replaced Mp3 ai have like three albums worthe of various J-Rock and s**t. Alot of teh Cowboy Bebop stuff "yasashi yokai" from dothack and as mentioned before s**t by JINN and stuff from Code Geass. Though the porimary dominant of my playlist is good old fashioned Early nineties and late eighties American heavy metal.
So bring the snow! Bring the Ice! I'll shred it all!
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