Waling around is the best way to control stuff around you.You dont releize it but its true.You may find new things and that controls your emotions.You may tire yourself out and you can control whent to sleep.It also makes you stronger.I learned that one today.I never realy though of strenght when walking.So I would walk all the time untill with ever step I got faster and faster.Untill I was running,or at least it looked like it.Then since it felt like I was walking I started to run.Boom I was off.I sped by the school that would take 10 minutes to get there in one miute maybe even less.I was amazed.Since I tried out for soccer this year and didnt make it I thought now that I was this fast I would join track.They even paid for my fees once I showed how fast I could run.Man was it good to feel in place.Then all of a sudden I gained to much attention and I hated it.Man I made a wrong choice.The olympics were trying to chage their rules because of me.They wanted to make the age 15 instead of 16 just for me.Thats when I knew I had to slow down and stop rushing.Instead of trying to make your noticed be happy.My god do what you want to.You will think you were being noticed in no time in no time afterwards.