So. I never met my Father's side of the family. My dad lived with us off and on for most of my child hood until he left about 5 or so years ago. I know that he went back home to take care of his brother who had early onset Alzheimer’s Disease. I knew that his brother died in 2006 as he wrote that in my Christmas card that year. A year before I got one phone call for my birthday that lasted less then five min. Other then that, I haven't heard from him. For all I knew, he was dead and I didn't have a clue if anyone would tell me. Other then him, I know that I had an aunt and two living grandparents, neither of which I had ever met.
So, I've decided to go to school in Pittsburgh. That may be something my father may want to know and if he can, send money for me. Its worth a shot right? Problem, we didn't know the phone number. Hell, we didn't even know what state he lived in.
Ah, what a wonderful invention is the internet. More importantly Google. Just type in your long lost Grandfather's name and...Oh damn he's dead at age 84.
Yes. You heard me right. My grandfather's dead I didn't even know. What pissed me off more? MY NAME WAS IN THE OBIT! Yeah! I KNOW! I didn't even know him and there I was. "Katherine {lastname removed} Of Ohio" listed under grandchildren. "Ervin will be remembered for his gentle and caring love shared with his family throughout his lifetime." Something I was neglected. I never even talked to them on the phone.
But, good news (if you can call it that), My dad is alive as of July 23, 2008. We found the number for at least his mother, but no clue what to do.
So yeah, I learned more about my family from an obit. I knew names and what state they could be in and the rest was filled in by that.
I don't know how to feel about this. Its some one I've never met and have no connection too, yet I sort of fell bad. If my aunt and mother hadn't been staring at me when I was reading it, I would have burst into tears. I'm still trying to fight off the strange feeling i have in the very pit of my stomach. It may have been because It was family I was reading about... maybe because I was included in this small list of grandchildren. I'm not sure....
Anyway... Its just a strange bit that is sort of making me feel so strange right now. An empty feeling I can not quite explain.
Oh, to explain the Icon on at the top, my grandfather wasn't a wizard or die mysteriously in a lash of green light.I jus felt it had some sort of... relevance. It was bone cancer by the way.
xMoonsaultx · Thu Sep 25, 2008 @ 11:17pm · 0 Comments |