October 13th
Today I had my midterm in American Government & Politics. Because of all the studying I did the last two days I feel like I did very well on it. So that made me happy. Then I went to Spanish 1, I have my midterm in there tomorrow, and realized that I am no where near ready for that exam. So after I write this I get to go study with Armada. She is really smart in that class and should be able to help me a lot, plus she is really hot. After Spanish 1 I went to Algebra and Trig. I am absolutely horrible in math and I know it, but I didn't think that I was as bad as I am. I am currently failing the class and we are halfway through the semester. So I really need to start stepping it up in that class. So that really mad me feel down for pretty much the rest of the day. I haven't really thought much today so I don't have anything deep to talk about. Well I think thats all for today, I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully with more to talk about.