Once again everybody, happy Halloween! Halloween has to be one of my absolute favorite holidays, and would top Christmas if it weren't for Christmas's loads of presents (I is selfish?)
Today at school we were allowed to wear costumes, but I didn't feel like going all out. So I was a bunny rabbit of course! Just wore some ears and a cute brown vest with jeans, a shirt, and pink converse, and then drew some whiskers and a nose on my face with eyeliner. Of course, all the boys called me "playboy bunny" all day and asked where "Hef" (Hugh Hefner) was. If anyone didn't know, he's that old dude that started Playboy way back in the day.
Boys. Are. Idiots. So why do they have to be so cute?
In other news, going to a Halloween party tonight, and probably staying all night.... Not sure yet. Wearing my bunny stuff again most likely, or possibly going as a pirate. Choices, choices!
So, the Gaia Halloween event. It... Wasn't as good as it could have been in my opinion, although it was enjoyable. I completed all four factions to the full extent, as the items will no doubt be worth quite a bit eventually. That's just it though, a lot of the items were LAME. The dark elf and vampire factions were basically the only factions with worthwhile items, and the vampire's let me down a tad seeing as how I was a vampire in last years event as well and planned on staying true to that tradition! But alas, I simply finished the item quest and was done with it. And the trick-or treat items didn't really thrill me either, though last year I only like the headphones so they were at least a little better.
Another problem with the event was as soon as I would go to attack someone, they would already be dead. This made it fairly tedious when it came to earning points, although towards the end I could for some reason continue to attack already dead players.
Anyways, everyone have a happy Halloween! I know I will!
Currently listening to: "No one knows", By Queens of the Stoneage
We get some rules to follow
That and this,
These and those
No one knows.
We get these pills to swallow
How they stick
In your throat
Tastes like home
Oh what you do to me
No one knows
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