Katana muttered a few words in old elvish and was surrounded by a light cloud of green fire. It licked at her wounds until they disappeared before flickering into nonexistance.
"Hmm... you are a very interesting child. I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield."
Duo Do'Urden conjured up a dark ball of energy and stepped into it. "Goodbye, Katana-chan. Until we meet again..."
Over the next few days, Katana learned about the tavern and studied her spellbooks until she could create a false leg made of magic that worked just like a regular one. She practiced at ti until she could keep it in place indefinately, not even having to think about maintaining it. No one needed to know. In the end, Katana stayed on at the tavern as part of the waitstaff, finding it unlikely that she would ever fight well again. By the time that she could fight again, she had grown too much a part of the tavern to leave. About four years after she had come to the tavern, a young man in a blue scarf and goggles came to the tavern.
Katana did not recognize Duo Do'Urden, for it had been four years and she did not yet remember much from the time that she had known him. She was never really sure if he recognized her or not, since the first few weeks she saw him he only sat on a couch alone and sipped green tea, looking coldly and indifferently at everyone.
She was surprised the first time he looked at her this way, but she managed to disregard it, seeing that he looked at everyone this way.
What gave her hope that he was perhaps not really cold-hearted was what she saw stirring underneath that gaze, the turmoil of anger and hurt and betrayal that was so similar to the one that was also the undercurrent of her life.
Look at what this war does to people. This man, he should be the one staying safely out of the way with his loved ones, his precious people, and I the one on the battlefield. I have no reason to hide, my precious persons are all dead. I might as well join them. Ah, alas! I am so cowardly, the reason I do not go is the fear of death. I do not want to go through that again.
She watched him for another week befoe getting up the courage to talk to him. When he appeared and stepped out of his glowing orb, she tentatively approached him.
"K-konban wa, traveler. Is there anything I can get you?"
She swore that she must be shaking; Maybe he noticed, since his cold stare was a little less severe.
"Just some green tea, please."

Green Tea ^^