When we got back to his place Jordan said after dinner we would be going for a ride in a boat to one of his favorite places. Dinner was even more romantic then the night before. In fact we ate outside on the balcony. a small table sat on the balcony for us with a candle in the center of the table. The table was romanticly set for two people. "I thought it would be nice to eat outside tonight." Jordan said. I blushed. "Your hair's gone back to pink, and short." He said. He laughed. "How do you do that?" We ate dinner in the moonlight. Dolphins were jumping out of the water and back into it. We even saw some shooting stars. Eating under an arch of roses was romantic too. He sure knew how to charm a girl. Why though? Why go to all the trouble to impress me? I already loved him. He didn't need to impress me.
During dinner I stared out at the ocean. I was missing home. But seeing the dolphins made me happy. They were very peaceful. "You like dolphins...and the sea don't you." Jordan asked. I looked at him. For a moment I had forgotten he had been there. I nodded. I remembered a time when I swam with some dolphins at night. I loved dolphins probably the most of all the creatures in the sea. "What were you doing out on the beach in such bad shape in the first place?" Jordan asked. He was still determend to get me to talk. And I couldn't tell him what happened to me. How would I explain it.
The place we went in Jordan's boat was a lagoon. It was very romantic. As we road the boat into the lagoon I heard Subastion's voice. "I know I'll get in trouble with the King if I help her get this man. but Melissa really likes him. So I MUST!" He said. I smiled. I would own Subastion big time for this. "I'll get some other sea creatures to come and help." I heard Flounder said. "I'll be glad to help myself." I heard Skuttel say. Jordan road the boat into the middle of the lagoon and stopped rowing. Suddenly we heard this horrible screching sound that sounded like someone diying or beign put out of there misery. Me and Jordan covered our ears and then the sound was gone as we got ready to. "Jeases crist. What the hell was that!?" Jordan said. Oh Skuttel. I loved him but he had no voice when it came to singing. "If you want something done right you've got to do it yourself." Subastion said. I heard him clear his throut and saw a bunch of fish apear hidden in the shadows. I knew what they were going to try and do. They were going to try and drill into Jordan's head that he had to kiss me to get me to speak.
There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wantes you to
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
go on and kiss the girl
Sing with me now...
Sha la la la la la, my oh my
Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl.
Sha la la la la la, ain't that said
Ain't it a shame, too bad
he gonna miss girl
"You know I don't even know your name yet." Jordan said. "Maybe I can guess it." I smiled. "Um...is it...Angel?" He asked. I nodded my head no. "No. Ok....um...Beth? Bell? Angela?" He asked. I nodded my head no. I saw Subastion slap his claw against his head and lean down on a weed close to Jordan's ear and say "Melissa. Her name is Melissa you idiot." In a whisper in his ear. "Melissa?" Jordan Whispered at first. I reacted by smiling. "Melissa." He said. I nodded yes. "Well that's a pretty name." Subastion leaned away from us and winked at me. He had this whole thing covered.
Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl
This was true.
Sha la la la la la, don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
go on and kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la, don't stop now
Don't try to hid it
How you wanna kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la, flot along
And listen to the song
The song say kiss the girl
Sha la la la la la, the music play
Do what the music say
You gotta kiss the girl
You've gotta kiss the girl
Oh, don't you wanna kiss the girl
You've gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl
Jordan and me looked deep into each others eyes. Subastion must have drilled it through his head because Jordan looked like he wanted to kiss me. I think he knew I wouldn't speak until he kissed me. We both leaned towards each other. We closed our eyes. Jordan placed his hand on my cheek and I placed mine on his. Fire flies swarmed around the boat. I could feel Flounder, Subastion and all the other fish watching anxiously. The dolphins and fish swam towards the boat and started squiting water out of there mouths going and circle around us and the fire flies continued to swim around us.
I would finally be able to talk to Jordan! And I was ready to talk to him. I didn't want to be silent anymore. I wanted to talk. I WAS going to talk to him. Me and Jordan were right there at the kiss of true loves first kiss. Please let this work. Please! "GO ON AND KISS THE GIRL ALREADY!" Subastion and the others yelled. Then I felt his lips mold with mine. They were soft, and so gentle. It was true loves first kiss. Deep, passionate...romantic. "YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" I heard Subastion cry out along with the other fish.
Jordan and me didn't want to break the kiss. We were so caught up in it. But could I talk to him now. I was almost scared to find out. Finally after what seemed like eternity me and Jordan pulled away. I blushed and smiled. "Are you gonna talk now." He asked. I was afraid to find out if I could. I looked at him still blushing. "Oh...perhaps I should ask you a particular question first." He said with a laugh. I nodded. " Are you....the girl who saved me druing that storm?" He asked. I had to sing the words to him that way he would recognize me. I forced my unwilling lips open. "What would I give to stay in the sun all day? What would I pay to spend all day in the sand?" I sang my bell like voice ringing our around the lagoon.

To be continued in chapter 11....