These are pictures I have made for others:
Tiago Costa

On a side note, Mr. Costa has decided to leave Gaia for good. I wish him all the best. We love you, Costa! sad


For Shogie again.. ^^;

Kuchiki Byakuya from Bleach.


KeairaRatha, MUCH thankies for the Dervish <333


I'm not too pleased with how this one came out, but as soon as I have a SERIOUS talk with my scanner I will upload this one again.. and the ones that follow. -.-;;
Coral Stone



Zombie Tom

Ulquiorra Schiffer Cifer.. my favorite Bleach baddie.. when he was younger-looking, of course. :3

Akumusa and her furry friend (I forgot the name)


As if Ulquiorra Cifer isn't already my favorite bleach character, I have to admit I am also a big UlquiHime fan. In honor of this crack pairing (canon! XD) I drew this.

These are pics others have made for me:
By: Lady Psycho Sexy

By Krimson Shadows:

By Demynxis

I thought this one was adorable! It cracked me up so much, just as much as the next one.
By O_wonton_o

By Kaze Taco

Community Member