Growing Up
My eighteenth year of life is getting close to its descent. It's somewhat hard to believe that I've been alive for so long and how it has crept up on me. There have been so many ups and downs, trials and tribulations and through all of them they have made me a stronger person. There are many things in life that I wish I could go back and change but instead I learn from those mistakes and try not to repeat them again and then teach those lessons to another so in turn they too can have that knowledge. Though there is one thing that always plights me and that is the stupidity of humanity. Mostly referring to how people inability to let things go or try to reason with people. Too many times I have seen friendships go down the drain due to this and some of them I have lost precious friends who I have known for years. I try not to look back at those for well what is lost is lost but losing a friendship over those reasons just seem pathetic. I realized that during the end of my Junior year of high school when lots of my friends started to get boyfriends and girlfriends. Relationships change people and many don't realize that but I do. Getting older has also taught me how to manage my time better. I used to be horrible with time thinking I had so long to do thing but twas I wrong. Getting into high school helped me learn time management and how to better use my time. Which explains my leave of absences on gaia sweatdrop But this growth has shown me to treasure the friendships I do have now since those will be strained when college approaches. I have also come to terms along with my friends and family on my darker approach to life...well more so twilit approach. My attitude became much grim and bleaker once I ended elementary school and started middle school. I just started to see the flaws in life and found my way to accept them and thus turned me into someone blunt, less social, and oddly happier in some odd twist. My ever changing on views on love have changed drastically like waves in the ocean and to this day are still changing. But let's end this odd entry on something positive. I apologize to anyone I have hurt over the years. I don't expect you to come back in my life and things be all happy go lucky or to accept this apology. I just felt like I needed to say it because I know I have done some majorly horrible things to you the reader or someone you know. I apologize for doing, saying, or executing things that may have hurt you and I am sorry. If you accept this apology that is fine. If you don't that is fine as well for forgiveness is not easy to do. I should know I have experienced that.