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Journal of random things
random things that I write, sometimes its things that I've typed, other times it's just things I need to get off my chest.
Random piece about not so random crap.

The feelings of the soul, the body, and the mind are all inter-connected, a massive web of thoughts, feelings, and sensations. When one string is strummed, it sets all the others into violent discord. The heart, in a scientific sense, is simply a muscle that pumps and enormous amount of blood through the body and provides blood cells for all of the body's main functions. It sends so much through the body that if it is damaged, the body begins to shut down. But the heart, in the sense that it is the soul of a person, is equally important. It also has the same ability to throw the body from it's routine if it is disrupted as any of the other organs. In a very real sense, the soul of a person is what keeps them alive.

The disturbance of the soul disrupts not only thought patterns, but a person's physical well-being also. It makes the person nauseous, and creates a host of symptoms that are detrimental to the person's help but seems to have no cause and therefore cannot be cured.

The brain controls emotions, but what the soul feels of them is so much more than that. Viewing from the perspective of the brain, love is simply a series of chemical reactions. But from the perspective of the soul love is an almost palpable thing. It allows connections between people that would otherwise be impossible. It grants happiness and joy simply by being near the person with who you have those ties to.

But when those ties are cut is an entirely different matter. What was once love is replaced by anger, sadness, remorse, self-loathing, and a host of all other emotions. It causes physical pain in the person to even think of those they once had ties with, an aching of the chest, a sinking feeling in the pit of the person's stomach, even a sense of being ripped apart at the seams. Those who you cared for so deeply have torn you to shreds.

The rending of the soul affects the consciousness of a person, how their thoughts flow and what direction they go in, it affects the physical aspects of a person: the sense of pain when there is no curable ailment. Not that medicine can fix anyway. It also effects more than consciousness in the mental aspect, causing depression and apathy in more cases than one.

The soul is far more important to the health of an individual than any mental or physical aspects. But the damage to the soul can only be healed with time, and that is why those wounds are the deadliest of all. Inflicted with words like daggers, and a tongue like a scalpel, targeting the most vital of points with near lethal precision.

The soul is what keeps a person alive, but is also what will kill them the easiest.

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Erufite Mythlis
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 31, 2008 @ 12:21pm
wow..... eek
That is amazing eek

commentCommented on: Wed Dec 31, 2008 @ 03:37pm
well thank you, I try.

Korakos Xifos
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 01, 2009 @ 05:33pm

I really don't know what else to say.I read this and it left me speechless.You really have a way with words. I never want to hear calling yourself a bad writer again. Or comparing yourself to anyone else. Out of all the eople in writers' club, you've got to be one of the best.

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