I wanna show of some of my tats. so look!
done by jim white @ screamin ink, NJ

this one i cant get a good pic of so i put the ref pic too (was done by monte @ rat pack tattoo lawton ok):

shes not that blurry, its just the only camera i have is on my phone.
my tramp stamp. the monkey above it was my first tattoo. heart i will give you something if you can tell me what the monkey is from. (monkey was done at outer limits tattoo anahiem ca, skeles was done by greg alison, cmb tattoos hunstville alabama) i wish i waqs still that skinny, but oh well. thats life.

these are my first forays into learning how to tattoo. one was my first tattoo that i ever did, and the other is the first tattoo my friend (who later went on to rock at it) did. also a little skull that i did when i was drunk and had a fresh delivery of ink

my friend wanted to practice and i was bored.

i have one of these on each shoulder blade. i gonna get those removed and covered i think (this one was done by jude in socal, i dont know what shop he works at now)

this says oni (dumb i know, but it was also practice)

got this in texas, on my last day of training before i got shipped out(army) the artist sucked and it was way messed up for a long time. goes to show you kids to always research your artist.

my bff and i got matching ones (cliche i know, but she isnt hardcore into tattoos like i am) and i wanted her to pick something. it was done @ outer limits tattoo anahiem ca by tasi

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