Name: Trinity Blair Age: 17 race: human-cat appearance:
 back story: Trinity Blair was born a normal child. Everything was going great in her life till she hit the age of 6 where Trinity discovered she had an unusual feature no one seemed to have. Her parents got concerned and took her to the doctor to get medical opinions on the phenomenon. Two weeks after the visit to the doctor the family gets a phone call. The doctor had some shocking news. Trinity, thought to be a normal girl, has the DNA of not only a human, but of a cat as well. Shocked by this discovery Trinity's parents don't intend on growing a "freak" as there child and abandon her. Left alone to fend for her self, Trinity and girlfriend Brea(shown in picture), are to overcome there most dangerous obstacle and live a normal life among people. How will people feel about there strange features? This question is only one of the many things going through these girls' minds. Would people accept them for who they are and not what they see. With powers left to be discovered these girls have a rough ride ahead of them.
more info: occupation: student
Jessica Ish Rawr · Tue Jan 13, 2009 @ 01:48am · 0 Comments |