Nora (ノーラ Nōra?) age 31
Nora is a Neogene who serves as Tatsuoki Furumizu's assistant. She is one of Furimuzu's most loyal and reliable subordinates. Cooly arrogant and blunt in her interactions with others , she is very competitive with her sisters and is prone to jealousy. After watching Furimuzu reward Maria's tantrum with a trip to the toy store, Nora roughly manhandles her and confines her to a hotel room after the mentally unstable Neogene loses her temper in public. With the exception of Furumizu himself, she considers everyone and everything around her as a tool for her advancement. She is also a very powerful cloneblade. Unlike Masane and Shiori, she is able to effectively control her carnal impulses while transformed' much like Reina. Nicknamed "Spider", she has the ability to to shoot needles and entrap her opponents with strands from her hair. She battles Reina, trying to get Rihoko. She ultimately is impaled by Reina and is killed. It is worth noting that while she seems very calm, she has shown a side that loves battle, though only against Reina. Her cloneblade armor is orange and green.