age 17
Race Moon/spirit

Bio: He was born from the moon,Secretly Kioji as he was getting older.Had been watching Down,Each planet.He was one with the moon.It is possible for him To connect with each and evrymoon. He can only walk around at Nitetime,The SunLight hurts him,He dosent melt.He just exsperiences Great agony from it.His abilties are Unique In their own way.He useally uses a Gun, But when the moons out.Other abilties happen.At Nite hes alive,Day he is a Ghost,
He IS Well mannard,He cant do to much interacting with people. Useally Its Day.Hes A Good Listener.ON A side Note, his GuN Can Morph into anyweapon. That shines like the moon light it truly is A Site to behold.
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