charactors name: Rosalina Carta
race: neko/mermaid/vampire.
classes taking:fire control
.wind control
.water control
.earth control
.flying classes
abilities: Water control, Wind control, Earth control, fire control, flying
personality:sweet,kind, can have a hard head. If someone starts a fight and someone brings her in it she'll try to stop them but if they take a swing she'll still sty their. if you get her angry enough you'll see she can be a talented person with her powers.
apearence: neko form:

anger/vampire form:

mermaid form:

bio:She has 2 sisters who will be coming to this school soon if they want to. Her dad is a vampire but he doesn't drink blood. and her mum is a mermaid/neko. she lives in a average family pretty much. She has her fathers vampire looks and she has her mums. when water touches er she turns into a mermaid and she has the cat ears.