[Item Information]
Item List:
Gold Sporty Sneakers
Benkei's Trousers Green
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Gold Locket
Gold Pocket WatchDonated by DeMeniac heart
Yellow Torque Shades
Canary Yellow Pimpin' Cane
Western Zodiac
Yellow Holographic Eyepiece
Biancamella 6th Gen
Star Hairpin Donated by kaykay heart
Elegant Emerald Satin Vest
Original Character Artist_Genie: (Current Goal)

Egyptian Braclets x2 = 8,300
Dashing Gentleman Sapphire Sash = 15,520
Lovely Genie Blue Bangled Bra = 480
Lovely Genie Blue Embroidered Vest = 600
Padmavati's Lotus = 186,334
Red Body Dye = 54,334
New Character
name: Kazuki Awazakii
age: ??
race: Demon
bio: grew up in a large wealthy family in the demon world, is the second oldest of 6 other siblings. has 5 brothers and 1 sister, his sister being the oldest. He feels closer to her then most of the others in the family and is protective over her. He is known for being the quietest of the bunch and most skilled with his knowledge of learning things.

Total Value: 358,035 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Charcoal Cat Tail
Black Drome Egg
Demonic Anklets
Those Blue 90s Pants
Gold Pocket Watch
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Elegant Blue Satin Vest
Nitemare Collar
Elven Ears (Tone B)
Western Zodiac
Angelic Headband
Star Hairpin
Romani Glasses
Kaykay Star clip
DeMeniac Gold Pocket watch