
dis ish Vanessa hacking mii BESTIEH Stacie who i like to call Ms.Trann...yup.xD...she ish in ♥ wit dis guy dis guy name ANDY..they are ******** DATING so bye bye guys and girls...
buy ms.Trann a present wen it is April 9teen[[19]]o shiit it APRIL...so start saving up on the month be4 her B-day.!!she has a pride dat even mii-self knows.lol..cause i am one..She was g0nna quit but i guess she cared bout us being all alone so she diddnt if it was you!you!you!she wouldnt care[[jk]].she ish a very nice person.lol..am i lying.?ask her.!SO i m g0nna b0Unc3 bac and leave s0m3 spac3 so dat otha ppl can talk bout Ms.Trann here.xD..ily STACIE[[ms.trann]](as a bestieh)
-Vanessa hacking mii bestieh Ms.Trann