I missed math class today for band, and the assignment due tomorow i don't understand. I mean i get what i think i'm supposed to do...but i'm so stuck and nothing i do can make it work out. There's nobody else home to help me and i dont want to fail, the internet has nothing for me either....what's a gal to do in a situation like this?? is there no justice for kids who need help with school, i want a solution and a way to get there. yet, isn't that just the truth about life, you get so confused and there's no where to go, there's nothing you can do and no way to solve it. You want an instant solution button to fix everything, one that the right solution will pop up infront of you. But there is no button for lifes problems, none at all. Just like my math, which i don't understand, my life is in total ununderstanding as well. I cant find answers for either...my math ones would be really nice cause then i'd get marks and theres a due date, my life ones can wait. I really want answers, but never seem to get them, lifes crazy. Luv heart and laughter biggrin Ann(ie)
ann(ie) · Tue Nov 16, 2004 @ 09:28pm · 0 Comments |