I only look…-19, but I am 200 years of age
I happen to be a…-Girl of course
What was it I do?-I work at my store, Yoshuri Sushi
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-It used to be black, but i died it fire red.
They always stare, my eyes. The color is-Yuki changed them purple for me.
You see, what happened was-my parents died. Because of the shock me and my late brother, Haku, stopped aging. During a picnic by there graves, we were attacked by a wizard. He threw fire balls at us, and even though Haku's ice powers could protect us, he told me to run. As i did, i was stoped by a psychic shield, blocking my escape, and my rescue to Haku. The stranger threw a knife in my brother, and told me that I'd be next. I was so scared and alone. I went three years, without speeking. I cried alot at my parents graves, and one faithful day I met Rita Kishi. While i was crying, she called me out, and asked what was the matter. I found she was immortal as well, and she was 21 years of age. Five years later, Yuki Neko, a male, white haired wizard, 19 as well (and immortal) had found me in the grave yard. At first, I had tortured him with psychic abbilities, but, in pain, he screamed that he wasn't the man (for i had given him my pain and anger of the man who killed Haku) I was looking for. We became friends easily. Since then I have lived in an appartment with Rita, and doing fine.
Oh, I love- My powers, since I have no weapons (telekinisis, psychic[minds], psychic torture, shape shifting,), Rita and Yuki, Haku even though he is dead., and my immortality.
Take it away!-Fire, anything long and pointed, psychic walls, blood.
I look like this:

Hello, I’m…-Rita Kishi
I only look…-21 but I am 202 years of age
I happen to be a…-Women, single, and not interested in a mortal relationship.
What was it I do?-I work at Kishi, a tatoo parlor i have had for decade.
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-purple, but i have black cat ears
They always stare, my eyes. The color is-Yellow, like a cat
You see, what happened was-well my dad married a cat. It was weird, but i was born with ears. So I'm mutant, so what? My dad and cat passed away, and i went to live with my grandmother on my fathers side. When she passed away, i had no family to return too, so I lived on my own. While visiting my late grandmother's grave, I happened upon
the young, imorrtal psychic, Sabrina. As she explained the events that had happened recently, I took her in. I soon discovered she was a shape shifter, like myself. Then I descovered the art of tatoos. Currently, I'm living in an appartment with Sabrina, and keeping a watchful yellow eye on Yuki Neko.
Oh, I love-art, my friends Yuki and Bree, and my shapeshifting powers. Also my immortality.
Take it away!-any deep body of water is what i fear the most
I look like this:

Hello, I’m…-Yuki Neko
I only look…-Nineteen, but in accutuallity, I am acctually two hundred years of age.
I happen to be a…-Male
What was it I do?-I work for the royal family, delivering messages, potions, ectera.
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-White as snow
They always stare, my eyes. The color is-...They are blue.
You see, what happened was-I was raised on my own, because my uncles who, like me, was a wizard and was hardly around. When he died, I kept aging, not knowing that i was immortal or a wizard. Once, I was threatened by some idiotic thug. If I didn't give him everything I had on, he threatened to kill me. When I refused, I was beaten untill I could barely breath. Before the final blow, I realized my hands, or fingertips if you will, where sparking from electricity. I pointed at the thug and he was electricuted to death. I figured I had alot more powers, Like ice, fire and flying (walking really) in mid-air. I'd also come to know, three years later, that I was immortal.Then I met Sabrina, the immortal, shape-shifting psychic. She was kneeling by what seemed to be her parents graves, praying. I greeted her, but when she saw me, her eyes widened in fear. Before I knew it I was on the floor, screaming that i wasn't the person (i got a very good look at the mortal wizard who killed her precious brother) she was looking for. The pain ceased at once, an i looked at her beautiful red hair and... I'm currently living a few minuets away from Sabrina and Rita, and I am in love with Sabrina, though she does not know it.
Oh, I love-Sabrina, Rita (as a friend) my powers, white roses
Take it away!-the only thing that could tourtue me, or scar me is another tourture seation with Sabrina. Or if she where to die.
I look like this:

Hello, I’m…-Haku Yoshuri
I only look…-19. I am Sabrinas Brother...you shold know the age I really am.
I happen to be a…-guy
What was it I do?-Nothing at all. I wonder around the kindom of Armonie, hoping to find Sabrina.
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-Pitch black
They always stare, my eyes. The color is...-brown
You see, what happened was-After being run through by that b*****d's knife, I fell unconsious. When I awoke,I became the wizard's right-hand immortal. I felt my heart yearn to be with my sister, but I couldn't leave. For twelve years, slaving in a small town called Aggis, i worked, wanting to tell Sabrina I wasn't dead. Finally the day came when the ******** died and I was free. It took me ages to find the place where I grew up, Armonie. Im currently looking for any traces of her in our kingdom.
Oh, I love-Sabrina, My ice powers, Freedom
Take it away!-Fire, blood, death
I look like this:

Hello, I’m…-Kimi Irakida
I only look…-I only look young! Mermaids last for ever, so im working on 2087 years
I happen to be a…-Girl!
What was it I did?...-swim around following Haku around annoying him every so often ♥♥♥
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-the color of sand
They always stare, my eyes. The color is...-ocean blue
You see, what happened was- nothing big. i was born in the sea and loved the land. met alot of guys on there too. Duh, don't you all know Mermaids can live on land and sea? Step on land, boom im human, in water im a regular fish. Anyway, the men on Aggis...well they were all fun! Then I met Haku, and we talked and laughed. He told me that he was looking for his sister, and I told him I'd help. we've been together ever since.
Oh, I love-Swiming, boys♥♥♥, Haku's company, Keinishi and her company, land and sushi
Take it away!-fishing nets, arrogant people, fire on water (anywhere eles its okay) and oil spills
I look like this:

Hello, I’m…-Keinishi
I only look…-17. i am older than the mermaid
I happen to be a…-girl
What was it I did?...-follow Haku around and be the angel im supposed to be
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-orangeish bron
They always stare, my eyes. The color is...-deep blue
You see, what happened was- Have you ever heard of an gardian angel? I am Haku's. I fond him and the girl walking, and i followed, not knowing why. He found me and we were together.
Oh, I love-flying, the color white, Haku and Kimi, rain
Take it away!-guns and knifes
I look like:

Hello, I’m…-Damian Helps
I only look…-23 but im only 50
I happen to be a…-boy
What was it I did?...-Im a vampire, looking for a job that accutaly pays for something ohter than blood transfutions.
Don’t worry, I’m…-Straight
Isn’t my hair awesome? The color is…-Sholder leanth and black
They always stare, my eyes. The color is...-yellow-ish
You see, what happened was- I crashed couple years back. My neck was broken, i had five broken ribs and was dieing. No one was around, and i didn't have a phone. Sorta lucky to have a vamp accidently be the one to crash inta you huh? Well i was chaged it healed my neck and ribs. I live two doors dow from Sabrina and Rita. I love annoying Rita.
Oh, I love-Annoying Rita, Squirel blood, any job that doesn't deal with blood, veggitairian food (i am a veggitarian after all. no joke. i eat.)
Take it away!-fire and garlic (im not kidding. have you ever tried it? sickning!)