Age: 976
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'8
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Bio: Lilith is your average 9 century old vampire who absolutely loves making friends. If you mess with her, she WILL kill you. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. She will take her time though. Her passion is mainly dancing, it's also her method of fighting. She is your lovable, blood-sucking, sociopathic vampire that will or will not drain you of blood depending on how you treat her. She's not really into killing humans or drinking their blood, but like I said before, treat her nice and she won't have a problem with you. Before she was bitten, her mother put her in an asylum and she didn't like that very much. She was abused by the many guards and has been traumatized by the experience. As soon as she escaped, she killed her mother. But don't be afraid Lilith accepts you for the way you are, except if your a gnome, she hates those little buggers.

Age: 976
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'8
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Bio: Lilith is your average 9 century old vampire who absolutely loves making friends. If you mess with her, she WILL kill you. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. She will take her time though. Her passion is mainly dancing, it's also her method of fighting. She is your lovable, blood-sucking, sociopathic vampire that will or will not drain you of blood depending on how you treat her. She's not really into killing humans or drinking their blood, but like I said before, treat her nice and she won't have a problem with you. Before she was bitten, her mother put her in an asylum and she didn't like that very much. She was abused by the many guards and has been traumatized by the experience. As soon as she escaped, she killed her mother. But don't be afraid Lilith accepts you for the way you are, except if your a gnome, she hates those little buggers.