Dark Gaia Demitsue: I am the beeeeeeeaaaaaaast!!!!!
Teacher: I've been searching for you for centuries just to kill you and be the top demon.
Dark Gaia Demitsue: How the heck are you still talking without a head!? Oh well..
*Dark Gaia Demitsue steps on the demon teachers head* I'd like to see you talk now?
Teacher: hahahhahahahaha!!!!!
Dark Gaia Demitsue: You're really annoying me!
Teacher: My true form! Haaaa!!!!!!

Ra: My name is Ra!!!!!
Dark Gaia Demitsue: Ra? The dragon controller?
Ra: In the flesh!
Dark Gaia Demitsue: If you wanna fight then your getting it!
Ra: Bring it!
Both: HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Dark Gaia Demitsue: Agh! I'm gettin kinda rusty! Eat this!

Ra: Aghhhhhh!!!!!! *charges after Demitsue and jumps*
Shenlong: Broooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!*jumps in and save Demitsue*
Shenlong: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Gaia Demitsue: What? Why did you punch him? This fight is just me and you.
Ra: Don't you know who that is fool? It's your brother Shenlong.
Dark Gaia Demitsue: Well if it's my brother then your dead!!!!!! RAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Gaia Demitsue: M-my body! It's returning to that original form! But I'm just getting started! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Demitsue: Ahhh...my head...Shen? Morri? Oh crap I hope they aren't dead.
*picks up Morri* Morri speak to me!! Speak!
Morrigan: Mmm...Demitsue...
Demitsue: Oh I thought I lost you....
Shenlong: Hey what about me... I saved you from a super punch.
Demitsue: Yeah thanks. And speaking of punches, look what happened to that guy. *Everyone looks at Ra*
Shenlong: Damn!
To Be Continued