Busy... busy... busy.... In gaia and in real-life....
Gaia has been fun, even after I was hacked here in my current account last December 2008...
Description of Self: I am an athletic person who loves to draw and sketch, I am also a fan of mokona's drawings 3nodding
Sports I'm currently busy with: Badminton, Chess, Swimming, Basketball... and sometimes... I might run on the track.
This guild is run by me and has sort of died down (is still existing but no one posts or joins anymore) and I'm trying to bring this back to life. So if anyone wants to join, please do so 3nodding
*~Legion of Helpers~*
This is also another guild run by me, and is very much alive. I don't really have that much gold or nor am I very rich, but I like to help people, especially since newbies are very much criticized by older players most of the time, that... they sometimes say bad things to other old players that try to help them (such as me).
This guild is made for everyone, and has a lot of fun events and forum activity, I hope more people would join, hopefully.
This is my current entry's featured anime... and the manga sucks! I hate what happens... The drawings aren't bad... but... the happenings.... are terrible.
Short summary of the manga:
There is this guy, Itou Makoto, who falls in love(or likes) with Katsura Kotonoha. He started noticing this on the first day of the 2nd Semester. He watches her everyday secretly since then. He then *took a picture of Katsura secretly. There is this other girl, Saionji Sekai, who secretly likes Itou, and is his seatmate. She finds out that Makoto (Itou) likes Katsura from class 1-4 and decides to support him, and manages to get them together. Shortly afterwards, Makoto thinks that its tiring being with Katsura. During summer break, Makoto, Sekai, Setsuna (closest friend of sekai) and a few other close friends go to the beach. Sekai goes to get drinks, but then somehow, was cornered by some men. Makoto goes to the scene and tells the guys to buzz off, because he was her boyfriend (which he was not). Sekai had a cut on her foot, so Makoto covers the wound with a towel, and carries Sekai.
While heading back, they somehow stop and kissed, and then Sekai confessed. After which Makoto has been trying to force himself that he likes Katsura. During a certain feast day in Japan (Fireworks festival or new year, I think) Makoto and Katsura, meet up with Sekai and her friends, they then decided to join together. At the peak of the event, which was watching fireworks, Makoto held both girls (Sekai and Katsura's) hand(this was unknown to Katsura). After this... both of them (Sekai and Makoto) somehow end up dating (which was also unknown to Katsura). And then they are found out by Katsura on the rooftop kissing during their schools cultural festival (this was unknown to Sekai and Makoto, until Katsura didn't go to school, Sekai thought they might've been seen). After a short while, Makoto breaks up with Sekai, although he knew that he loved Sekai, he thought that he was responsible for Katsura. After saying that, they hugged, and then Katsura barges in the rooftop, saying "Oh there you were" and then Makoto tells her the truth, apologizing while kneeling down in front of Katsura. And then Katsura says "Its not your fault Makoto-kun. I'm happy as long as I'm with you" (or something like that)
"Sekai-san is a real friend"..... and then she says something about Sekai seducing a friends' boyfriend. Katsura then approaches Sekai saying "Please do something for us... and just.... DIE" and swings a big Butcher's knife (with razor edges) at her, in an attempt to kill, but then Makoto goes in between them and was the one hit instead. A week later, Makoto was in the hospital with his and Sekai's friends, Sekai comes in after an errand. Their friends went out of the room to give the two of them some alone time. Makoto then tells Sekai that he's going to live with Kotonoha (Katsura), because he was responsible for her, since he hurt her, and that the wound on his body is like the wound in Kotonoha's heart. After saying that, Makoto receives a phone call from Kokoro-chan (kokoro=heart, moreover, kokoro-chan is Kotonoha's younger sister who hates Sekai). Kokoro-chan then tells Makoto "Onii-chan! Onee-chan's covered in blood..." *waah..waah, sniff, sniff*
"Stop joking, kokoro-chan..."
"The blood... won't stop..." *sniffles, cries*
Makoto: Sekai!... Kotonoha's been...!
Sekai:Stabbed? there's blood everywhere and she's lying on the floor? I was going to leave you two alone, so she can bring you happiness after you dumped me, but after what she did... she can't be trusted with you anymore... so... instead of her bringing you happiness... I will be the one to bring you happiness..." and then she hugs him, THE END.
*-It is said that when a person takes a picture of someone he/she likes, and no one finds out about it for three weeks, then their love would come true.
I'm sorry if the parts may be a little too vague, and their conversations aren't that exact too. So sorry in advanced.
My quote on this entry: "To know too much...is hard to bear... With great knowledge comes great responsibility..."
Reason: I easily predicted the happenings in the story, so it was hard to bear
I hope you can suggest some NICE manga's for me. Unlike this, school mermaid, and elfen lied.

Busy... busy... busy.... In gaia and in real-life....
Gaia has been fun, even after I was hacked here in my current account last December 2008...
Description of Self: I am an athletic person who loves to draw and sketch, I am also a fan of mokona's drawings 3nodding
Sports I'm currently busy with: Badminton, Chess, Swimming, Basketball... and sometimes... I might run on the track.
This guild is run by me and has sort of died down (is still existing but no one posts or joins anymore) and I'm trying to bring this back to life. So if anyone wants to join, please do so 3nodding
*~Legion of Helpers~*
This is also another guild run by me, and is very much alive. I don't really have that much gold or nor am I very rich, but I like to help people, especially since newbies are very much criticized by older players most of the time, that... they sometimes say bad things to other old players that try to help them (such as me).
This guild is made for everyone, and has a lot of fun events and forum activity, I hope more people would join, hopefully.
This is my current entry's featured anime... and the manga sucks! I hate what happens... The drawings aren't bad... but... the happenings.... are terrible.
Short summary of the manga:
There is this guy, Itou Makoto, who falls in love(or likes) with Katsura Kotonoha. He started noticing this on the first day of the 2nd Semester. He watches her everyday secretly since then. He then *took a picture of Katsura secretly. There is this other girl, Saionji Sekai, who secretly likes Itou, and is his seatmate. She finds out that Makoto (Itou) likes Katsura from class 1-4 and decides to support him, and manages to get them together. Shortly afterwards, Makoto thinks that its tiring being with Katsura. During summer break, Makoto, Sekai, Setsuna (closest friend of sekai) and a few other close friends go to the beach. Sekai goes to get drinks, but then somehow, was cornered by some men. Makoto goes to the scene and tells the guys to buzz off, because he was her boyfriend (which he was not). Sekai had a cut on her foot, so Makoto covers the wound with a towel, and carries Sekai.
While heading back, they somehow stop and kissed, and then Sekai confessed. After which Makoto has been trying to force himself that he likes Katsura. During a certain feast day in Japan (Fireworks festival or new year, I think) Makoto and Katsura, meet up with Sekai and her friends, they then decided to join together. At the peak of the event, which was watching fireworks, Makoto held both girls (Sekai and Katsura's) hand(this was unknown to Katsura). After this... both of them (Sekai and Makoto) somehow end up dating (which was also unknown to Katsura). And then they are found out by Katsura on the rooftop kissing during their schools cultural festival (this was unknown to Sekai and Makoto, until Katsura didn't go to school, Sekai thought they might've been seen). After a short while, Makoto breaks up with Sekai, although he knew that he loved Sekai, he thought that he was responsible for Katsura. After saying that, they hugged, and then Katsura barges in the rooftop, saying "Oh there you were" and then Makoto tells her the truth, apologizing while kneeling down in front of Katsura. And then Katsura says "Its not your fault Makoto-kun. I'm happy as long as I'm with you" (or something like that)
"Sekai-san is a real friend"..... and then she says something about Sekai seducing a friends' boyfriend. Katsura then approaches Sekai saying "Please do something for us... and just.... DIE" and swings a big Butcher's knife (with razor edges) at her, in an attempt to kill, but then Makoto goes in between them and was the one hit instead. A week later, Makoto was in the hospital with his and Sekai's friends, Sekai comes in after an errand. Their friends went out of the room to give the two of them some alone time. Makoto then tells Sekai that he's going to live with Kotonoha (Katsura), because he was responsible for her, since he hurt her, and that the wound on his body is like the wound in Kotonoha's heart. After saying that, Makoto receives a phone call from Kokoro-chan (kokoro=heart, moreover, kokoro-chan is Kotonoha's younger sister who hates Sekai). Kokoro-chan then tells Makoto "Onii-chan! Onee-chan's covered in blood..." *waah..waah, sniff, sniff*
"Stop joking, kokoro-chan..."
"The blood... won't stop..." *sniffles, cries*
Makoto: Sekai!... Kotonoha's been...!
Sekai:Stabbed? there's blood everywhere and she's lying on the floor? I was going to leave you two alone, so she can bring you happiness after you dumped me, but after what she did... she can't be trusted with you anymore... so... instead of her bringing you happiness... I will be the one to bring you happiness..." and then she hugs him, THE END.
*-It is said that when a person takes a picture of someone he/she likes, and no one finds out about it for three weeks, then their love would come true.
I'm sorry if the parts may be a little too vague, and their conversations aren't that exact too. So sorry in advanced.
My quote on this entry: "To know too much...is hard to bear... With great knowledge comes great responsibility..."
Reason: I easily predicted the happenings in the story, so it was hard to bear
I hope you can suggest some NICE manga's for me. Unlike this, school mermaid, and elfen lied.