I got A new Hair cut!!

Age: 14
Birthday: June 13 1994
Status: Single
Like: Anime, Manga, Music, Writing, Books, Bat's, Darkness, And, Orange Juice, Gaia, Girls/Boys
Hate: Rude people, and Raspberry Ice cream, Swans puking rainbows, Rich people, people who don't donate D:
I'm Straight (sorry girls)
Height: 4'7 (I'm short cry )
Weight: 100
Language: English and very very little Japanese/Chines.
Sign: Gemini
Fave color's: Crows head Black, Blood red, Midnight Purple, Midnight Blue.
Favorite Music: Anything that is good.
Fact about Charlotte: Did you know i like dipping my French fries in Ice Cream?
Hair: Dyed Black (original hair color Dark Blood Red)
Eyes: Brownish/Green
Pets: Two Dogs
Current Location: In you closet, or am i under your bed?? :3
Currently questing: Inari's Beads (Any gen)
Hobbies: Writing, Gaia, Begging, Sex (oops did i just write that?)
To all My Friends: If you do not stay in contact with me then i will add you off, but if you have troubles with something (grounded, family issue ect.) Then i will understand and not add you off.
Fave Book: Ghost Girl (the main characters name is Charlotte, eat the for
breakfast b***h)
My three best friends are Poison_Piecez, MaskedBlood, and, Rages Blood!!!
I am a Goth/Emo but then again everyone is now a days. I can be very random when i want to.
Donations: mishy241091=9k heart x He Is Legend x=10k heart FoliageBunny=2k heart 3jki=1.5k heart AstronomyGirl=Gifts heart xXSacred_KnightXx=1.8k heart
I would tell u more but there's really nothing more to know about me i'm a boring person really with nothing but an empty head that's full of imagination and creation.
oh, oh my favorite saying: I've never made a mistake, once i thought i did but i was mistaken.
What i'm doing in life.
I'm writing a book and i'm hoping to get it published!!! (When) i get it published I'll take lost of pics and show you were to buy it^^ I wont give anymore information out about it until it's published the only thing i will give you is the title so here's the title: Angel Lipgloss.

New Dream Avi^^ i may be crazy, but at least i have an imagination.

Total Value: 675,969 Gold
Item List:
Buck Teeth
Silver Kiseru
Colonial Bonnet
Inari's Beads 12th Gen
Sacred Leaf
White Leather Belt
Fairy Wings
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Fresh Grass Skirt
S Gaia Tshirt
This Dream Avi IS COMPLETE!!
I want to thank everyone who helped me with my dream avi and thank you to Rages Blood who help me get my last piece LOVE you All!!

Total Value: 145,112 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Frost Troll Ears
Round Paper Lantern Blue
X_X Blue Raving Goggles
Sky Sparkle Empire Dress
Baby Blue Shower Cap
HIPster Blue Tint Shades
Teal Inflatable Water Wings
Plasma Gear
Oh My Gumball
Triple Demon Horns
Dark Ice
Superior Form
Here is some Avi art of my old avi, the artist would like me not to mention his/her name so i wont, Enjoy!!

Just checking my care factor for the week.

Nope... still don't give a ********.
There would be more bubble gum in the world if we all shared.