i wasn't born in the usa but i wish i was cause the i'd have a chance to become a dictator but wth i do want over throw the goverement jk well i like to see some sorta change in the goverment i think we would be good as a commusinst nation but idk lifes cool like that i love that as a usa citizen i have the right to change the goverment. it might make life easier if u could get people to do what you want when u want them to do it so yeah life be much better but idc if were marxist or communist or wat ever the hell we would be go usa or UCSA (united commusinst states of america ) baseball is still going to be allowed i'd pray if we were communist nation cause it's a G sport like that go USA baseball TEAM i love BASEBALL the shadow of the republicans and demcrates might crash down and fall into the light of a marxist nation