Name:Adrianna Hitsuhiro
Info: Adrianna or Adrian, has only a mother. She lives in her own house because her mom wanted her out. Adrianna inherited her father's money and lives in a two story house. She likes to fly plains and she likes to be out as much as possible. She doesnt have any friends but she meets random people almost every weekend,she parties with them and then goes home.

Transformer Profile of Arrow:
Info: ArrowDrive was derived from the human,Adrianna. The Decepticons wanted to experiment on making humans Transformers so they chose her. They made her a Decepticon but she didnt like the ways of the Decepticons and changed sides,it's very difficult for her because she's seemed to take a liking to BlitzWing.

Adrian woke up and looked around. She didnt remember much of the night before. She stayed up on the computer for so long. She looked at her bedroom clock and it read: 11:00. She sighed and dragged herself out of bed. She put on a blue and gray-lined long sleeve shirt with black pants. She walked downstairs and looked around,her kitchen stove was a mess. She sighed. "Why must i be so messy?" She asked herself. She flicked her Purple hair behind one of her ears and picked up a rag. She wiped the stove off and put some pots away. She left one out and made breakfast. She liked pancakes a lot so that's what she made. She sat down at the lonely table and looked around. "Your pancakes were better,dad." She said. Sometimes she talked to her dad,who wasn't there,sadly. He got taken away from her life about three years ago. It was that dang car accident,those losers were driving too fast and they hit him,in the side and he bled to death before they could get him to a hospital. She took a couple bites of her breakfast and then her cell phone rang,right next to her,it lay vibrating. She put her fork down and opened it,she lifted it up to her ear and spoke,"Hello?" It was her mom,she had called to see how her daughter was doing. "Im fine,all woken up and eating. yes,well no i dont need a house-cleaning." She said as the conversation went on,her mom finally said her good-byes and she hung up. Adrian finished her pancakes and put her plate in the sink.
She put her Grey jacket on and smiled. "Gonna miss me more?!" She called out throughout the house. A breeze came back at her and she patted the front door wall. Out the door she went. Little did she know,she was being watched. As she walked along the concrete in her neighborhood,a little bot the size of a bug flew around her. She was being watched by,them. The Decepticons, Megatron,StarScream,and BlitzWing were all watching her movements and activities.
"so...lemme get this straight....humans talk to their houses?!" StarScream shouted. BlitzWing answered for him,"No,i believe it is a gesture of amusement." He said as Icy. He then switched to Random,"Kind of like when i sing oh so beautifully!" He shouted laughing. StarScream frowned and punched him to the ground. He switched to Icy,"Zat hurt, you know." He said and stayed down. Megatron still watched as Adrian walked to a place that said,'the hangout'. He got annoyed with his subject's fooling around and turned. "Are you fools finished?!" He said angrily. StarScream stood up straight,"Yessir." He said quickly and watched the spy cam.
Adrian opened the door to a place called 'the hangout' Just as she opened it,a guy and a girl ran out laughing hysterically, holding hands. Adrian kind of flinched to dodge them and she looked at them as they ran down the street. " that weird or is that just a normal action?" She asked herself with a confused. She walked in and she strolled on over to her favorite spot. It was kind of a dance club but it wasn't with strippers or anything,it had a stage with volunteer dancers. She looked around and smiled,"now this feels like home." She said to herself. She then got up and walked to an area that served drinks,she ordered a soda and then sat back down.
BlitzWing sighed,"Humans certainly have a twisted sense of humor." He said boringly. They watched Adrian for about an hour and then she lost it.
Adrian was so coked up on sugar she decided to dance. " Step aside,please." She said and some people made room. She danced and danced like it was nothing,she went crazy. Some guys in a corner yelled and shouted for her. She smiled and waved. "yeah,haven't seen something like this since nine eleven huh?!" She shouted and the night went on.
The Decepticons were disgusted at what Adrian did,"Are you sure you want this human?" StarScream asked with a confused face. Megatron put his hand up,"Yes,im sure. we will wait another day or two until we can put our plan into motion. BlitzWing and StarScream nodded.
Around ten o' clock Adrian was exhausted. She saluted everyone and off she went. She walked home and she looked up at the stars. "I wish some one from up there could just pick me up and make me...something else...different." She said. She laughed and held her arm,"I watch to much t.v" She smiled. She opened her front door and yawned. She plopped down on her couch and dove off.
"Be careful what you wish for.....human." Megatron said evilly.
A few days later,Adrianna was out to get some food from the grocery store. "Poor fridge,it was so lonely." she smiled. She walked down an alleyway as a shortcut,but she was stopped. A giant gray and black robot stand in her path,it had a black face and a demented red look. "Wow,Megatron wasn't kidding when he said small!" He picked Adrianna by her jacket and flew off. "Hey! let me go!" She shouted. She looked down at the small city that now looked like a patch. "I cant let you go,not until we know what to do with you!" He shouted as HotHead. "What're we...married?!?" She asked hatefully. She squirmed. He switched to Icy and looked confused,"Married? what's zat?" He asked not watching where he was going. "look out!" She shouted. They were about to fly into a plain when he almost crashed. He moved just in time. He flew a little lower now and headed for an island. It was kind of wrecked and had explosion marks written all over it. "Dow we go!" He said as Random and he covered Adrian with his other hand. He landed straight down with a 'meteor' sort of kick. Dirt chunks flew everywhere,BlitzWing removed his hand from the hold.
In the base,waited StarScream and Megatron. "I got her without trouble!" He said and he walked in with Adrian,she looked around. She was kind of frightened but she hid it. She liked to act strong. BlitzWing loosened his hold on Adrianna and she jumped up,she tried running but Megatron had got her. He kind of squeezed,knocking the air right out of air. "We aren't going to let you go anytime soon." He smirked. He looked at her and confirmed some settings in his optical receptors. He flashed a beam into her eyes and she lay in his hand,out-cold. "What did you do?" StarScream asked. "Memory transfer,i took her memory,very....insolent and....naive she is from what i can tell...we can fix that,though." He said and he lay her on a table like two sizes bigger than her. Megatron took out a rectangular shaped metal boxed out of his head and handed it to BlitzWing. It was kind of warm to him,"Those are her memories,delete her past memories,make sure she'll know who and what she is." He commanded. BlitzWing nodded and out the component in a computer and started working on it. "I have the part,my lord. " StarScream said pointing to a pile of blue and gray Cybertronian parts.
Megatron nodded and picked some up and put them down on a small table next to him. StarScream held up a welding iron and flicked at it,he pulled a trigger a couple of times and 'Pssshhh!' it had come to life with a small flame. About a few hours later,BlitzWing had the memory link for Adrian. Adrian wasn't,well,Adrian anymore. She was something else,one of them. BlitzWing walked up to Adrianna's new body and slid the part into her head,her new head. He frowned and then pressed a button then stepped back a little. Adrianna's fierce red eyes glowed to life. They opened fully and she looked around. Megatron, standing with his arms crossed, only waited for more of his experiment. Adrian looked around and her eyes flickered. BlitzWing and StarScream watched as Megatron did. "Project biggrin ecepticon,Designation:ArrowDrive, Processed: May of two thousand and fifteen.
BlitzWing switched to Random and started jumping up and down,"It worked it worked!" He shouted in amusement. Megatron smirked,"So it did my minion." He said. Adrian looked at Megatron and then BlitzWing,then back at Megatron,"Leader...right?" She asked. Megatron nodded and walked closer,he lifted up her arm and looked at it, he let go and she let it drop down,he did the same with the other arm. "Good,yes. Fellow Decepticons,we have the power to make humans into Cybertronians." He said. He explained everything of the Autobots and their statistics. BlitzWing walked over to Adrian and examined her, As did StarScream. BlitzWing opened a small compartment in her neck and started calibrating her movement and alignment. Adrian was shocked and she turned around and whacked him. He hit the ground. "Zat wasn't very nice." He said as icy.
"ArrowDrive,was it?" Megatron asked from in front of her." She nodded. "You,work for me,you're a Decepticon. The Autobots are out of control and need to be destroyed." He said convincing her.
She got off the table and looked around,BlitzWing was going to stop her from messing with some things,Megatron put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him. He wanted to see what she'd do. She toyed around with some mechanics and then started fixing her own alignment. She shot BlitzWing a look of anger,then she looked down and opened her neck. She switched some cables around and messed with some configurations. She closed the access panel and then sat up,she looked on the computer that Megatron stored all the data on the Autobots. About an hour later Megatron had called Arrow from another room. She came to see what he wanted. "The time has dawned upon us,the time of your purpose has come,go...and terminate the Autobots." He commanded. Arrow nodded and walked out of the base.
She flew up and then twirled,the freedom she felt. She felt like she could go anywhere,technically,she could. She headed to the coordinates she got from the data she read. She flew and landed in an abandoned alleyway. She didnt want to attract attention so she decided to hide. "Good strategy my new apprentice." Megatron said as he watched Arrow. She looked up and caught a glimpse of a fighter jet,and scanned it. She smirked and transformed. She was already developing a personality in her new Decepticon state. "Not bad.." She said and flew upwards. She looked around the city and found an abandoned factory, the assumed base of Autobots. "Really?" She asked herself. She was rather disappointed that she wouldn't have much to destroy or set on fire. She landed ever so quiet on the other side of the street. She walked slowly over to the base, everyone was powered down.....except for one,he was black and gold. He stand straight-lined on a broken wall that acted as a fence for him. She assumed he would be easy to take out,she readied her weapon,her crimson eyes glow in the solitude of the dark. She set it to a silence mode and then she fired it. The weapon had passed through the figure she saw and ended up flying off to land in the city,causing destruction. Assuming someone was there and she had got caught,she jumped up,the figure was just a hologram.
Something had been thrown at her because she was knocked off balance and fell. She whipped herself around to see the real black and gold one,she was angry now. The object stuck in her back-plate and sent out a shock. "Autobot! ill crush you!" She yelled,not caring about breaking the silence. Behind him,came two other Autobots. One in red and white, the other black and yellow. "Like we haven't heard that before..." The red one said,the black one sighed. The object sent out another electric shock and Arrow yelled in pain. She switched to Adrian," owwowowowow! it hurts! get it off!" She squirmed. The gold and black autobot was about to take the weapon out but the red one stopped him. " Prowl no,You dont know what she'll do,shes a double-changer!"She learned quickly,the black and gold's one name was Prowl.
Megatron frowned when he had seen Arrow had got caught and she was in this predicament. "Dont make me have to get you out of there..." He mumbled to himself. StarScream stepped beside him and watched as he did,he was watching more intently than Megatron was.
Prowl leaned down a little to her level and examined her face. She struggled and that triggered the weapon again. She shouted and cried in pain. "But Ratchet,if we dont take it out,she could possibly die from too much shock....i dont know much about medical things but you do." He said and looked down at her again,her aggravated face look back up at him. Okay,so...Ratchet and Prowl.... She thought, getting the names of the autobots she needed to terminate. She struggled again and this time,the shock wasnt that bad,she had gotten used to it by now. She reached for the weapon behind her back slowly and she pulled it out. Energon spray out of her back but it was only for a split second,now it only leaked trickle by trickle. She winced,she then threw it the yellow one in anger. "BumbleBee! move!" Prowl said and tackled him out of the course of the weapon. A small wicked smile curled upon her lip components as she got her cannon ready. She aimed it at 'BumbleBee' and Prowl. She had shot a missile out but it didnt explode on impact was made. Ratchet had some kind of magnetic force in his programming and he used it to grab the missile. She smiled and she blasted off straight through the broken roof. She watched as Ratchet had difficulty holding the missile up. Just at the last minute, something happened,something strange. Her face had swung itself back into her head and another face shown upon her helmet. It looked totally different from Arrow,it showed some characteristic to Adrian....the human she was. Just as she got high enough to where they could see her,she made a gesture with her metallic fingers,she pointed out her index finger sideways and point her thumb straight up. She smiled wickedly and then she made a motion like her finger had fired a fake bullet,just then, the building exploded.
She turned around and continued to fly. She switched her face back to Arrow and felt confused. She stopped on top of a building and looked at herself. "What the heck happened? I black out watch myself blow them up and now im here...." She said to herself,recapping what just happened."It happened just before i pulled the weapon out of my back as well...." She looked behind herself and sure enough,an axe had been coming her way,she bent backwards and put her hands back to stop herself from falling. She flipped back and caught the axe. A blue and red bot appeared at the side of the building,he had a grapple to get up. She saw the symbol on the side of his arm and frowned,"How many malfunctions are there?!" She shouted and threw the axe back at him. He jumped and caught it with his grapple. He had a fighter-mode mask on,he gripped the axe and a blue blade discharged out of it,the blade's metallic holders expanded and held the plasma blade in place. Arrow readied herself for an attack,having her cannons out and in a fighter's block position. He got a closer look at the femme and his mask slid into the sides of his helmet. "Haven't seen you before...who are you?!" He demanded to know. Arrow still stood still,"Why do you need to know? you're just going to be put offline in a little me..." She said and rushed at him with her fist,her cannon with a spark lit and ready to fire.
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