stressed I do not fight for attention. I don't. I fought for attention from a guy I was in love with for THREE years! And I cannot stand when people just walk away without a word. Hello? I am still here. May I get at least a 'I'll be right back'? Apparently not, because yesterday my boyfriend just walked away. More then once.... Like I said I do not fight for attention anymore. If you're going to walk away without a single word, fine! So ******** be it! Don't expect me to go crawling after you, begging for you to wait for me! NO! And not only does it piss me right the ******** off, it hurts me. To me it feeling like I'm being left behind/abandoned! That is not a fun feeling to me! And it hurts more when it's someone I care deeply for who does it! I fought tears! YEAH! I never cry in public and my eyes watered. And I told him how I feel and I barely got a reaction! I will let this slide but if this behavior continues there is going to be a fight. I love him with all my heat and I never want to see him leave but I will not be put on the back burner when we are together. When we are apart, fine. He has other things to do, I understand that. But not when we are together. No no no no no. When I am with a my boyfriend they are all I focus on and I want that to be returned. That is the end of my rant. Peace!
I was born intelligent but education ruined me
Promises were meant to be broken...