Comment Or Message Me If You Wanna Write !
You caught me hacking Sabrina. OHHHSHITTTT. D:
Hey therr kidd0s(:
brenda/br3nd4/b-bear here. ;D
i'm doing something a bit special here.
talking about my best friend(:
she's a total sweetheart. <3
she's single and smacking loving it.
gotta crush on her ? of course. she's purdyyy.
she doesn't tolerate beetches.
and i don't either. phaha. ;D
this girl has the cutest laugh ever, like her sister.
did i mention she has a twin sister ?
woah. yeah, i know. lmao.
she's a fun person to talk to, so go on.
add her, leave a comment.
feel free to do whatever. she's waiting.


wassap h0mesk!lletb!squit(;
beatrize is here(;
well !m here t0 talk ab0ut th!s girl..
hur name is sabr!na w!nstead..she l0ves t0 embrace her dorky m0ments w!th her bessfranns(; thats what make hur l!fe suppa fun...there's 0nly tw0 th!ngs that make her so inl0ve..the f!rst 0ne is so spec!al and its
s0 no stealing b!tches && the sec0nd 0ne is her bessfranns[:
sabr!na l0ves summer,!ts the b0mb ! as every0ne says she is helluh n!ce,sweet,car!ng pers0n,lovely,gorgeous(no homo)..
y0u can tell y0ur secrets to her..
why ? cause she's a very trustw0rthy pers0n..
she helps y0u through ups & d0wn..
and she have ups & d0wn too t0o that's very n0rmal&&
wa!t i f0rg0t t0 tell y0u she hella l0ves waffles(;
f0r awh!le but 0nce y0u get t0 kn0w hur y0u'll have fun !! [=
and 0hh yea l!ve y0ur l!fe t0 the fullest cause
it will be g0ne s0met!me,so embrace all the time y0u happy what y0u have (: il0vey0u &33 f0rever...if y0u wanna kn0w m0re ab0ut her h!t her up anyt!me [= il0vey0u &33 f0rever[/size]
We met in school Now we will be cool FOREVER!!! We been thru our ups and down But every time we hit the ground, we got back up not giving a sh!t what people say. About how we talk and how we walk With our heads held up high, And standing tall. It's hard for us to stay strong, Were they think we belong. But we know Even with those bitches We think of each other. You say I’m like your sister, and You're like my older sister, And thats all that matters And we don't care about all that chatter. But they know not to step to us Knowing that we will cuss, We won’t get mad Cause that aint us All we do is brush Them off our shoulders Cause aint no one colder Then USSS !! we cool So cool so clever With bending the rules And we will be friends FOREVER!!
beatrize de guzman,sabrina winstead && brenda yang(;
i l0ve y0u all &33

Jaszmyne Here :
jayyy has something to say i call her brina so she is awesome she has a great voice and she has a great personality and she cheers people up if they are feeling really bad she so fun to hang out with if u want to get to know her just hit her up and let her know she loves disneyland,santa cruz beach boardwalk,and sixflags her favorite colors are green and a little purple and if u were her friend she will treat u like her sister well thats it for my Bestiee Brina Bye = Jaszmyne
Tatiana Here :
Heyy its Tatiana doing this gurls b0ut me!! She is very nice and caring!! smile She is helpful and she is AWESOME!! haha!! D0nt mess with her 0r else she will get back at chu.. She gets mad sometimes but when she lightens up she is really SWEET!! Well thats all i have to say about her!!!!!!!! wink
Lillian Here !
Hey Lillian here to talk about Sabrina Winstead. She is an awesome gurl. She has a twin sister too. Her bday is on June 29th. Get this gurl something she'll like okay? Aha. Her favorite color is green. She also loves teddy bears. It's always boring for me when she's offline cause she is awesome to talk to. She is hecka pretty cause I met her on her bday. Aha I still can't believe it. She is also hilarious. She is also very caring, sweet, and nice. Sabrina is one of the bestest best friends you can ever have. NEVER MESS WITH THIS GURL OKAY? She has a whole bunch of friends who got her back including muah haha. Sabrina always make you happy when your sad. She also seems very athletic. IFLY Sabrina no homo.
Yellur , Libby her to talk 'boutt
Sabrina ! W00T , She's perrdyy,smart,funny,fashionable,
and so freakinng nice<33
She is mostly happy(:
She's sporty !
She cann run helluhh fast !
Her fashion is helluh stunning !
Cute as you can sayy ;''D
She's soo pretty !
So much boiis love this amazinng girl !
I wonder if one of them has a chance .
Well good luck boys ;''p
0MJ , I checked out her inventory ..
DANG ! Lots of cute clothes in there !
She's smart . She knoes square roots ;''D
E=MC2 ? Lmfao
Yehh she's funny , very (:
I knoe she get scared easily :"P
After Crishalee's I found outt ((:
Hhahah , Her heart is big((:
She's so kind to others<33
Thats why everyone loves her !
No one hates this chickkie<3
Cause if they did I'd be mad D:<
Well, BuhBye <33
Ily , Sabrine<3
((No homo))
PS:Imma try to make a nickkie name for you hunn<3
Sabrina ! W00T , She's perrdyy,smart,funny,fashionable,
and so freakinng nice<33
She is mostly happy(:
She's sporty !
She cann run helluhh fast !
Her fashion is helluh stunning !
Cute as you can sayy ;''D
She's soo pretty !
So much boiis love this amazinng girl !
I wonder if one of them has a chance .
Well good luck boys ;''p
0MJ , I checked out her inventory ..
DANG ! Lots of cute clothes in there !
She's smart . She knoes square roots ;''D
E=MC2 ? Lmfao
Yehh she's funny , very (:
I knoe she get scared easily :"P
After Crishalee's I found outt ((:
Hhahah , Her heart is big((:
She's so kind to others<33
Thats why everyone loves her !
No one hates this chickkie<3
Cause if they did I'd be mad D:<
Well, BuhBye <33
Ily , Sabrine<3
((No homo))
PS:Imma try to make a nickkie name for you hunn<3
Rebearr here to talk bout skittles <3
0hhEmGee .
Thers so much to say about
yea thats right , thats her UNIQE name ((;
Her birffday is on
June 29 .
And her favorite color is
Green <3
Shes in love with that color x]] !
&& she's single , so boys Make shure ur that lucky guy (: Haha !
Sabrina is a
Pretty // Gorgeous
i noe ur jelouse bcos i noe i am ^^ !
Dudee , I love ur dang cloths [; !
Skittles is a funny person , she can crack up some nice jokes 8]] !
Its fun hanging out with her after ur with her for 7minutes ull want to be her bestfrann !
Sabrina is always there for u 24/7 unless she goes offline .
She always keeps the
Shes a
Trustworthy // Reliable
&& shes athletic at sports // running ((;
&& sabrina loves Teddybears and hugs ((; ! Make shure u give her LOTS !
Sabrina is
there for me<3
Shes like one of mah GREATEST bestfriends who means alot to mee .
Dont be talkin trash bout her bcos u dont noe how awsome she is yet .
and she has a twin sista
Selena ((;
of course she has her ups and downs but she doesnt give up on her friends !
Skittles is an a.m.s couger but still have the wildcat pride.
I just love herr (no homo)
Thats all i have to say (: !
P.S Reter was here