Okay, now onto business.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. I have been laughing at Nunnally's face plant since the beginning. WHYWASSHEONSTAIRS? My gosh! Think people! Stairs = cripples worst enemy. Oh my--too much giggling! Every time I see it I can't help it. I know it's wrong but... it's their own fault. Shame on them for making me laugh at Nunnally!
I have the lullaby in my head and it won't go away. It gives me chills but I love it, 'cause I like eerie music. By the way, when I watched Pan's Labyrinth, I specifically told her, the second the table came into view, "Girl, do NOT eat anything on that table!" They are fey. First rule of fey: Do not accept any food or drink from them. Idiot!
And I knew there was something odd with that fawn (do they spell it faun?). Movie gave me unpleasant dreams.
Hey, you know what metal needs? More awesome guitars, more eerie female vocals. More, I say, more! MOAR!
Haven't slept yet, can you tell?
J? No, G.
I'm trying my hand at MMO(RPG)s now. Why? Because I'm a bored person, and when I'm in a funk I want to be left alone and play video games. Usually I take killing as a decent substitute but this time I went with something different. From the dawn of time I have hated MMOs. Why should I go search for an item that is rarely found in the game to make some armor that you could so easily have stocked in the markets? I hate that part, and leveling is grueling. I want to kill things now, darnit! I shouldn't have to go on a quest halfway around the world just so I can come back and kill things that I couldn't before. It's worse than Zelda! "Hey, let's run the player on the longest trail we can make only to make them turn right back around--without a fast way to travel! We're brilliant!" I'll show you brilliant.
So I downloaded a free MMO called Luna Online. Surprising, right? It's called Luna, that alone should make you worry about me. So I downloaded it and it's... cutesy, but kinda addicting. Think Gaia in MMO form, and I'm not talking that Battle System crap they have; I'm talking about how the
real Battle System should work. I'm only level 10 and dying (not literally) because I want to use heavy armor but can't! Dern elves and their bad defense. I'm not sure how you get to use it; I can use heavy axes and two-handed swords and whatnot, but no heavy armor. I'm too scared that I'll sound like a newb to ask questions
emo And so because I'm a sucker for downloads (Hello, my name is Olive, and I have addiction. I like to download fonts and brushes and patterns, and I'm okay with it.) I joined FilePlanet, and by default gPotato (anytime I hear potato I think of the dog from AirTV and my head says, "Peko, peko!" It's so cute!), and downloaded the demo for World of Goo that I've wanted to play on Wii for some time. Do you believe that with our current Wii points we're only two hundred away from World of Goo? I don't want to spend another twenty bucks (Scrubs moment: "Twenty bucks, plzzz"
wink for more points I might not use. Why Majora's Mask? Why?
After that, I'm downloading another MMO. I know, I know. Now I'll be addicted to downloading MMOs. Two should be enough, right? Wrong. I'll probably check out Flyff soon. Right now I'm downloading Rappelz (omgitssopretty!), which I downloaded three other times before but the launcher wasn't working correctly. I hope that I fixed the problem by downloading DX; the forums suggested it, after many people found launching problems.
Let me tell you. The first time I downloaded it, the wait was an hour long. The second time, two hours. Third time was four hours. This time I had to wait five hours! I'm currently at 47 minutes remaining, which is nice. I really hope it works this time.... if not, I swear this is the last time. I don't care what the forums say, I'm not doing anything else... even if I really, really, really wanted to try it. Look at how pretty they are!
Oh my gosh, my computer will probably crash. It might be too pretty! I don't know. I'll have to tell you some other time.
I've been contracted to set up a Myspace recently. Do you know how much I hate Myspace? It's like Facebook, but more annoying. Why? Some profiles I've seen... ugh. My brother, after spending (two days) three nights making symbols for him and his friends (called the Lords of Madness. Stupid, right?), wants me to create a customized Myspace for the LoM so they can announce things easier. What things? I don't know. Apparently he thinks their parties are so important. They're really boring, actually.
Oh, wanna see the emblems? I'll spare you the separates and just give you the combined effect. It's a little sloppy but I was running on no sleep when I put them together.
See hereSo yeah... I'm good with CSS, getting better with creating layouts, but I don't really care about their crap. If he wants it done, he has to paaaaay. Books! I want books! I don't care what books, just as long as they're books!
I miss my old Gaia days when I spent hours working on a profile. Now I can create my own stuff and I haven't touched my profile in... years, probably.
By the way, did you know I got new characters? Chloe's run away because she's freaked, and when she's freaked out nothing moves. Chloe is a strong girl so being vulnerable or afraid is unthinkable... also, my imagination thought it would be hilarious to take me to some half-baked place, drop me off, and not support me! My imagination
sucks, just so you know. I mean really sucks. Stupidly sucks. So it threw me in the lions den and now I have to find a way to get myself out without depending on something else to give me inspiration that would be considered copying. But the place is amazing, when described correctly, and come on, the guy has a crow head! I want the crow head NOW! But unfortunately the shock collar failed, all tranquilizers missed, she somehow passed the barbed wire. The good news: tracking chip still works. I've got her number and it's only a matter of time before she wears herself out; then I'll go collect her.
About these new people. They don't have names (a lot of my stories start out with the characters being referred to as "he" and "she," usually a scene where their having a heart-to-heart so I can better understand where they came from and what their doing in that situation) but one of them already has an interesting ability, and goal. Okay... think.... Alter users from S-CRY-ed and benders from Avatar (The Last Airbender, not that new Avatar movie, whatever it is). Third-person OMGWTFBBQ!
37 minutes? It just said 35!
Anyway... I'm going to go stare at a clock. But which one? I have seven in my room. Maybe the Eiffel Tower one. It's new; it needs some love.
41 minutes?!