So....lately I've been distracted by the game Dofus. :c Ooops, bad me.
I just played Booty Grab again. I'm now at more than 23k gold. biggrin
I bought a carpet floor for my house. It looks nice. < 3
Display from inventory:

Name: Black Reading Glasses
Description: "Discreet glasses to be stealthily whipped out of your pocket for a few seconds when you can't read the menu at that fancy restaurant that lowers the lights so they can charge you an extra $10 per plate for atmosphere."
Quantity: 1

Name: Black Reading Glasses
Description: "Discreet glasses to be stealthily whipped out of your pocket for a few seconds when you can't read the menu at that fancy restaurant that lowers the lights so they can charge you an extra $10 per plate for atmosphere."
Quantity: 1
Twentieth day:
I didn't do much.
Nowadays I have to play zOMG to satisfy my boredom.
I'm not going to type much, so here.
Display from inventory:

Name: Blue Bass
Description: "You can hold your breath til your face turns blue, doesn't matter ... you're still a bass."
Quanitity: 9

Name: Blue Bass
Description: "You can hold your breath til your face turns blue, doesn't matter ... you're still a bass."
Quanitity: 9
This ends my nineteenth and twentieth day. Check back tomorrow for a new diary entry (hopefully).