O.M.G. The concert... was a dream... we got there two hours before it opened and cut in front of like.. a whole bunch of ppl and there were four guys in Sgt. Pepper outfits! >w< I got pics of that! When the gate opened, me, my dad, and my mom ran inside and layed our blanket out really close to the stage and then i walked up TO THE STAGE I was like.. less than twenty feet away from that perfect angel *W* he played all of my favorite stuff and he made tributes to John and George and Linda and get this:
He winked at me. Twice. And once was cuz I blew him a kiss >W<
Here's the wink for the kiss in the vid. The first time he goes "And I wanna be a paperback writer PAPERBACK WRITER" boom. My Wink. >w<
Wink- Paperback Writer
He pointed at me and laughed because I was jumping up and down screaming my head off
He stared at me while he sang a LOT and it was like we were singing together cuz of course I sang every word...
I also started to do that head wiggle that he does and he did it with me >w<
You probably don't believe it, I hardly believe it happened myself.. but it did... and I got pictures!!! He was the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life.. I stood for eight hours and my feet are really really swollen right now.
Also during Live and Let Die they blew fire up on the stage and I thought the stage exploded or something and I think Paulie knew about it but he was telling us he almost had a heart-attack or something because it was so sudden and loud. XD and they also blew fireworks on the stage. I could feel the heat and it was like.. BOOM random fire. WOOT.
Here's what it looked like from my point of view (I'm pretty sure, but not quite that I was diagonal from whoever shot this in front of them or they were in front of me behind the blonde chick):
Live and Let Die Piedmont Park
The guitarist was hot but Paul was the sexiest thing alive.
I was with a guy in a green hat, a bunch of Peru pplz, some girls who were really really drunk, two couples, some cool guy, a couple of teenagers, and some stuck up lady. XD
And I got a T-shirt c: Even though it was a two hour wait for one and they sold out of most.
There had to have been over 250,000 People in the entire park, and I was at the stage. There was no room to sit at all in this HUGE park and I was at the front. My lifelong dream came true tonight and it all seems like a dream that I don't wanna wake up for... DON'T PINCH ME.

This is the stage during live and let die

This is him from the screens on the side of the stage
Both these pics were taken by my dad ^^