Here it is:

Total Value: 379,442 Gold, (including everything) 358,583 Gold (only the things I need)
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dark Star need
Angelic Lace need
Fremere's Guard need
Death Whisper need
Naruto Kunai have
Cloud Zebra Wrap have
Bullet Belts have
Black Strapless Bra have
Shiny Black Short Shorts have
Sven the Penguin have
Gift Box have
Those Black 90s Gloves have
Brown Nosey Face Tattoo have
Feet Wraps have
Doggy Style Brownspiral Tail have
Chain Link Belt have
Puppy Ears have
I already I have some of the stuff. Its just the really expensive things that I need. stressed So help is much appreciated. heart