ok, so my friend and i have been R.P.ing and i feel bored, as they are not on when i have the need to express my imagination's thought. below is an excerpt from that R.P., as well as a my invitation to join me in a R.P. you may copy and paste this story and replace the ninja and his clan for your own character. all i ask is that you think your character through, don't god-mod, as in not getting beat but at the same time not being pitifully weak, enter the R.P. with an open mind and bring with you an interesting love story for your character if you need have one, or give a little backstory for your character in the form of a flashback.
As he sat in the shrine next to his graduates, wraith looked around, amazed that in all his years of ninja training he had never been inside the shrine where he would be given his ninja weapon. walking in, an elderly man sat down in front of them. "hello, graduates. today you surpass your peers as mere students and from here on out are true ninja warriors. behind me is a vault of our clans favored weapons, given only to the elite warriors of our clan. wraith, you may choose first." he said, stepping out of the way, the vault doors slowly opening, every weapon imaginable hung on the many racks on the walls. He stepped up slowly to the case, walking along the large cabinet slowly seeing his reflection in each of the blades or spikes. he knew they were well taken care of. he stopped at the very end where a Katana with a long chain and small crescent blade hung from the handle it was black and red unlike the other gold and black weapons that seemed to lavish to him. he took the simple looking weapon up and walked over to the elderly man. "Is this acceptable..Sensei?" he asked respectively holding the weapon out in his hands and bowing slightly, handling the weapon as if it were something as delicate as an origami sculpture. "of course. so, are you going to take your first mission or train a bit with your new weapon?" he asked, wraith's characteristic behavior indicating it would be training. "As important as it is to go on a mission Sensei its more important to be aquainted with ones weapon..." he said spectfully with a bow before leaving the Dojo slowly. In an underground cavern not far from where wraith began training, learning how to properly utilize the sword and crescent blade simultaneously, there stood a large statue, surrounded by ofuda talismans, a sealing circle etched into the ground and eight bhuddist statues looking inward. it had no features other than being practically encased in ofuda sticker talismans. this cavern had long since been blocked off and forgotten, and eventually time had eaten away at the perimeter fence till all that remained was four iron posts in each corner of the zone, their meaning took as a marker showing the area where bad luck seemed to emanate. not believing in such foolish claims wraith had begun to go there often to hone his skills far away from most of his classmates whom he knew would one day become rivals. he stopped briefly and looked at a log he had used to train with his beam saber and compared it to his new kitana's cuts into a similar log. the beam saber cut was burnt black and had cut through the log cleanly. his sword's cut was much shallower, the cut had been made curvy and less than clean by the wood's grain pattern which seemed to affect the cut much too easily. why, in this day and age, was his clan forcing the ways of ancient swords down his throat if not only rivals and allies but enemies as well would be using such superior weapons? suddenly he rebelled against his thoughts, knowing that they were heresy. the beam swords were loud, flashy and worst of all had limited amounts of usable energy. the swords of old were practically silent,had little telling features and best of all for a ninja weren't expected to still be in use. he resumed training, remembering that every true swordsman was once a trainee who had to practice painstakingly with little results until he could cut with the precision and skill that made them want to use the weapon. the discarded log began to roll down towards the mouth of the cave, pulling down the vines that hid the entrance for so many decades. It rolled slowly and eventually bumped into one of the statues, knocking it over without harming it. almost immediately, the log and vines withered to dust, the bhuddist statues began to explode one by one. a small amphibian looking creature crawled out from his hiding place, awoken by the loud shattering statues. the statue in the center began to crack and an armored claw burst through the right side of the chest. quivering, the strange creature spoke: "master?", the resounding explosion of energy blowing away the rest of the statue in response. a large armored creature (think thought ruler archfiend for design for now) walked out, ofuda bursting into green flames. "master i knew that one day you would awaken!!! all the other fiends said to wake them when you came back!!! i was beginning to lose fai-" said the creature, the 'master' cutting him off. "where lilith?" he asked simply in a commanding demonic voice. "uh, well, sire, when you asked me to follow her as they sealed you away i had to make a choice as a lesser fiend of wether to follow you in stealth or lilith as a decoy so... i... kinda abandoned her and followed you." said the small creature, fear in his voice. and with good reason. the larger fiend grasped his throat tightly, lifting the small monster off the ground like a rag doll. "I TOLD YOU TO GUARD LILITH!!! I TOLD YOU TO ACT AS A DECOY!!!!!" roared the demon, his voice echoing throughout out the massive cavern enough for it to escape the entrance and catch wraith's attention. "master not so loud!!! we are in the heart of the wolf ninja territory, the same people who sealed you and lilith!!!! we must be quite or they will hear us, and you're too weak right now to fight that many off!!!" said the small monster, the larger one throwing him into a wall, a huge spider web of cracks lined a crater in the wall. "p-please master!!! the times have radically changed and you will need everything i've learned!!!" exclaimed the small fiend as the larger grabbed him by the throat above the ground. "and know well that THAT is a saving grace right now." he said, dropping him to the ground. Hearing incisive groveling in mummers he walked forward twords the sound of the noise only to stumble upon a towering fiend and his groveling minion in his clutches. his heart began to race quickly, a true fiend was standing right before him he slowly began to back up hoping not to be noticed. "m-master, thank you for sparing me. you are truly the most merciful of all fiends, and you bear the title of greater archfiend for good reason!!! i have amassed an army of sleeping soldiers and new world weaponry at mt. fuji, and have already collected one of the twelve statues of her power needed to revive her." he said, holding up the beautiful statue of a flame carved out of what looked like energy rich ruby. wraith stared at it, almost forgetting himself. he suddenly realized that if they were allowed to get to that army then it would mean all out war. "..........lilith......" said the archfiend, tears welling up in his eyes. "s-sire, here is you're sword." he said holding up the great blade, the strange eye like attachments darting around. "you will need to remind it of you're name, as it has been so long that it's forgotten..." said the lesser fiend. "arise, berserker sword!!! remember my name once more and serve me well!!! my name is nightmare!!!" he exclaimed, the eyes spinning madly before stopping suddenly and fixing in place. You better hope that that training paid off he thought to himself before whiping out the chain on the end of his blade twords the idol the lesser fiend held if it wrapped around it successfully he would yank it to him and run for the elders if he didnt he would be dead. Nightmare saw the chain wrap around the statue as if it where in slow motion. his heart had begun to race as it flew form his lesser fiend's raised hands to the ninja hiding behind one of the cave formations. wraith quickly dashed t'words the near vertical shaft that led into the cave and up the shaft itself. he heard a near debilitating roar, actually able to feel the sonic boom from the weakened creatures enraged roar, though he had no time to marvel at it as the archfiend was almost directly below him at the shaft entrance seconds after the boom hit him, the huge beast jumping over him and out the entrance, nearly splitting him with a slash on his way up, deep gashes bore testate to the failed attack. Using one of the most basic tactics as a ninja he threw down a handfull of smokebombs and slipped past him into the forested area letting loose the bone chilling howl that signaled other wolf clan members of an emergency nearby and kept running for dear life. The trees of the forest flew away in the fiend's wake, as if a jumbo jet was plowing through them at full speed, and it sounded like one as well. he landed directly in wraith's path, standing an imposing 11 feet tall, his wings seemed to eclipse the moon and with it all hope. "GIVE ME THAT STATUE AND I MIGHT BE SO MERCIFUL AS TO ONLY GUT YOU OUT FROM THE INTESTINES DOWN BEFORE CRUSHING YOU'R HEAD!!!!" he roared, using his wings to block off all escape routes. the small lesser demon hurried behind wraith, a pathetic four feet tall, it made wraith feel a little better that he wasn't the smallest person there. "no!!! my clan imprisoned you and you'r ally, and i wont let you undo that!!!" he said in a surprising burst of defiance, the other fiend's lesser stature making him feel more powerful. that is, until the archfiend's claw slammed next to him, shattering the rock. "one last chance to die less painfully, ninja!!!" he exclaimed as a teacher and warrior class ninja used a ninjutsu that made a pillar of earth push aside the fiend enough to make an opening that wraith exploited.
"Sensei! Dont let him have this!" Wraith said he attached it to the chain just barely then wung it aroudn a few times slingshotting it into the Masters hands "He's Gonna use it to wake another one up!" he said hiding behind the two ninja now knowing it would b foolish not to with such a powerful enemy amongst them. "master!!! ignore them, we can always come back!!! we need to have the army!!!" he said as the huge archfiend struggled to catch his breathe.another ninja leaped at him, nightmare swinging him away so hard his body nearly exploded, chunks of flesh flying past the others as he flew off, holding the smaller fiend in his claws. Wraith watched the ninjas torso fly passt his head seeing an incinerary shuriken he quickly grabbed it as the fiend took off into the sky with one last throw he threw it at him not knowing exactly how much good it would do but atleast he wasnt just standing around like a fool. He turned his head and blasted it with a huge ball of dark energy, creating a temporary black hole engulfing the shurikan before destroying part of the walls defense. he continued to fly away. "wraith... you must go see sensei again. this is important." said the teacher, looking at him as if he were already dead. walking in the office, his sensei was looking out the window looking pale. "....... five hundred years. five hundred years, that demon has slept. we had forgotten where he slept, and it was right under our noses. since before i was born the name of the hero had been passed down generations who had been sworn to secrecy and made to protect their bloodline..... wraith, i only wish i could kill this thing myself. for years i've avoided telling you about your family and parents, how you got those ears and tail.... your father, and all his fathers before him, where all descendants of the ninja who originally sealed the fiends. and so, you too are a descendant of that ninja, and only you can fight and defeat this monster." he said. and i must give you your current weapon's true parts." he said, presenting a deeper colored blade, a glowing white chain tailed with a large black crescent that nearly doubled in length compared to his current crescent blade. "the only true part of that weapon is the hilt, which no doubt assisted in your accuracy against the fiend. once the parts are attached, the true weapon will be complete." he said, not touching the parts curiously. He stared at them quietly "...How...How am I to defeat such a mighty Fiend? I have barely become worthy to even choose my weapon..." he said softly but slowly disassembled his weapon then inserted the new parts delicately before the blades gave off small but ominous auras. The story that tells of how your ancestor sealed them away contains that exact question. the answer came to him through meditating on that question and instead of guessing, he simply let the answer come to him. he wasn't able to kill the fiend, but only send it into a slumber, how he found this out was never revealed, but im sure if its true you could do the same if you don't falter in your beliefs." he said, wraiths blade seemed to hum pleasantly, a sliver of moonlight that leaked through the window made it's aura look nearly tangible. "another thing that can help you is knowledge. the fiends are many and hold power most people wouldn't believe. the one you saw was veritably the strongest of them all, the greater archfiend. they can only attain this status by killing the archfiend, who is the official strongest fiend. from there there are greater fiends, honor fiends, normal fiends, lesser fiends, and lastly imps. there are two greater archfiends, the one you saw and the one he wants to awaken..." said wraiths sensei, continuing to tell the history of the fiends, demonizing them as awful, disgusting, honor-less creatures, as he always had. Even through his speech he couldnt help but remember what the fiends had spoken of in the cave of how he seemed to be concerned for the Fiend they wanted to awaken but shook it off he had to do this for his Clan and the safety of the entire world he nodded "...Arent there..Other Clans who might help me?" he asked slowly. "there might be, but i doubt their going to be much help. most of our clan's ties have fallen apart due to high competition between us. but then again such a vile creature may spur an alliance..." he said, dismissing wraith. "m-master, do you know who that ninja was?" asked the lesser fiend. "no. my only regret is that i couldn't destroy him. he may become a problem..." said nightmare, oblivious that wraith was the direct descendant of the ninja who sealed him up. "master, you should know that he-" said the lesser fiend getting cut off. again. "i don't care about some ninja right now. lets keep moving to that army and save our breathe by not talking..." he said, stopping briefly to catch his breathe. "i've slept for centuries, why am i so weak?" he asked breathing heavily. "the holy magic kept you from healing or regenerating energy. you're no better off than you were immediately after your exhaustive battle. even your wounds are almost as fresh as they were the day you were injured." said the small monster. "great, how would i undo this?" asked nightmare, forcing himself up and pushing forward even harder. "well, a good couple of days sleep would allow your body to repair itself and your chi would rise as your mind and body regained balance." he said, reaching the half mountain half mines of the now mined out mountain. "...... disgusting. humans cant even leave the beauty of the world unscathed. but then again they couldn't even let my dearest lilith be and exist outside of their god damn dogma as a beautiful demon queen. we could've taken an island over or a desert and left these people. but its too late for peace. as soon as lilith is awake and safe i won't spare a single soul, every last ninja will die slowly and painfully. by the time the torture is over they will beg for death, and i will burn them alive." said the archfiend, his eyes burning with rage, which seemed to focus his mind and fuel his body, the lesser fiend struggling to keep up. "for a weakened one he sure is moving quickly..." said the small demon under his breathe. "damn it grenn!!!! where is this stupid entrance!?!?!?" roared nightmare, his fury resounding in his roar. "up at the top, we must dive down to the main cavern through the dormant volcano spout. the cavern is a while underground, and unless the ninjas can swim through molten rock like us they probably wont be able to disrupt us." said grenn, waddling up faster. reaching the top, nightmare swan dove into the magma, splashing it all around the entrance, swimming gracefully through the molten rock with ease. "... this is gonna burn." said grenn, belly flopping into the magma and swimming clumsily behind nightmare, able to keep up by staying in the whirlpool produced by nightmare's tail swipes and kicks. bursting from the magma, nightmare looked around the massive cavern, jumping up onto a stalactite and folding his wings around himself. it felt good to sleep outside of a cramped holy statue and felt his energy surging back as he fell asleep. "All I need are supplies to get there then...Ill go to all of the others if I have to..Someone has to listen" he said quietly staring at his blade almost entranced by it. As wraith made his way out he noticed the cool night air smelt fresh, foreshadowing the rain to come. he was unnerved, the scale of an army dawning on him. however, he had been dissecting the last battle and figured that his best bet, as it always had been for the ninja, would be stealth. but more than that, allot wasn't adding up. the archfiend had plenty of power to fight, so why run? and the way sensei had acted was strange. reaching town he dismissed his thought and looked for a place to stay. He sighed, watching buildings pass by. no inns available so far and it was starting to annoy him. "Ngh...Cmon!" he said to himself. As he reached a tavern he saw drunks stumbling around outside the bar drunk. "hey, boy!!! y-you got a whole lotta ugly!!! haha!!!" said a person falling. He simply lifted the man up by the front of his shirt and hung him from a lantern post outside "Shut up old man" he said walking inside. As he walked in the rowdy scene was obnoxious and irritated him, the people behaving so stupidly disgusted him, creating more of a scene that was necessary. The bartender trying to get their attention tried stopping them but failed having consumed too much alcohol it wa stopping a starved grizzly bear at this point Wraith snarled now as someone bumped into him he grabbed the nearest few and threw them against the wall then pinned them with kunai then a few others across the room with shuriken then knocked a few over with some kicks and flips before he got to the bartender "Id like a room please" he said calmly. "uh, sure. here." she said, handing him a key its gonna be the last room at the end of the hall." she said, glad that the noise wasn't so out of control. "Thank you" he said with a respective bow before going upstairs to sleep he turned "If I hear you idiots when im trying to sleep...Ill come down and bury you all outside up to your necks" he said. inside mt. fuji, nightmare unfurled his wings, roaring loudly, a jet of magma bursting from mt. fuji. "m-master, did you sleep well?" asked grenn, nightmare backhanding him into a wall. "of course i didn't. there will never be a good night of rest for me so long as lilith isn't by my side." he said, grasping his chest. "but my strength has returned." he said, letting a resounding blast of energy echo through the cavern. fiends started shaking loose the rock and earth on their backs and started jumping down, though only twenty were able to awaken. "we storm the ninja stronghold tonight!!! gather your weapons." he said, the true fiends grinning and gathering weapons from hidden racks. Wraith only felt uneasiness that night shivers kept crawling down his spine as he tried to sleep but to no avail did he even blink there was something terribly wrong and he knew it all too well he felt his eyes burning from th slack of sleep and finally closed them tossing and turning
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this is the good, the bad, the emo, and the geeky writings i need to do in order to help myself. please dont leave hateful or rude comments.
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