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Emitting a Mysterious Glow....
This is where I'll put a bunch of random stuff I like. :)
Vampire Hunters
This story is only five chapters long...

Third Chapter:

At the science laboratory, a pair of young programmers were hard at work in the night hours.

“Ruki, I think we should go home soon.” The younger, a male, yawned. The older, a female, shook her head.

“No Roy, we’ve worked too hard to quit now.” She growled, rubbing her eyes. She was Ruki Chang, a twelve-year-old Chinese girl with dreams of an occupation as a scientist in the future of the very laboratory they were working in.

“That’s nice… So is the idea of sleep.”

Roy Chang, Ruki’s younger cousin, was a pure genius at the age of ten. Unlike Ruki, the boy had no dreams for the future and only hoped that the events waiting for him were fortunate. His sapphire eyes (colored by special contact lenses) scanned over to his cousin’s hand, where he noticed the metal glove.

“Why are you working with your poor attempt at the Sol De Vice?” he inquired. Ruki traced over the carefully laid out lines with a finger, intrigued that they would actually glow to her touch.

“Because I felt like it?”

“Isn’t it hard to type in that?”

“Not really.”

“Oh really?

“Yeah, once you get used to constantly pressing the delete key.”

A few moments of laughter passed by, leaving the two in a bad state of fatigue.

“Almost done?” Roy asked again, yawning rather loudly.

“Yeah… And this sword chip should be done soon.”

“Just sword?”

“We need to know basic programming before stepping ahead in the class.”

“Yeesh, I’m ten, you’re twelve. And we’re way ahead of the others, whom are about twice our ages.”

“I know. But ever since… Well… It’s done…”

The room was somewhat silent besides the whirring noises from the computers surrounding them and the clacking of the keys. Ruki placed a blank chip into the machine and waited for the program to write itself onto the chip. Hopefully, the end product would be a working sword chip. The machine beeped, signaling the completion of the data flow. Satisfied, she pushed the button to eject the chip and frowned.

“This is not a sword chip…” She declared. Roy blinked as she tossed the object to him. He carefully read the name of it and inspected the picture.

“It’s… Django’s Sword? Rukiiiiii!”

“I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose!”

“Hmph. Maybe. My question is, does it work?”

Roy stared at the monitor and summoned a standard navi for experimental purposes.

“Experimental chip, Django’s Sword! Slot in!” He recited and stuffed the chip into the worn out PET. The navi’s right arm raised up as it was being slowly covered with a metal. The two children blinked as the metal transformed into a Sol De Vice, much like the one on Ruki’s arm. A golden sword descended from a data cloud and landed in the navi’s open hand. He took a swipe with it.

“How is it?” Ruki asked.

“It’s kind of warm.” The navi replied.

“Do you think it’ll be hotter if we were out in the sun?” Roy piped in, peering at the monitor with curiosity.

“Maybe, Roy… Maybe… Let’s just take it to Hikari-hakase in the morning.”

Outside, a car waited for them to take them home to their beds and a well-deserved trip to “Dreamland.”
After getting stuck in a tree again, Sabata gave a frustrated sigh.

“These girls are killing me…” He muttered.

“Niichan, they’re worse than lovesick Boks!” Django whined, watching another yo-yo whiz by his face. The boy felt that dodging fans and getting stuck up in a tree were going to be daily routines during their stay as he wondered how a Bok could get lovesick in the first place. . Sabata finally pulled out his Gun Del Hel and pointed the black and red gun at a few of the girls.

“Back off or I’ll shoot.” He snarled. Netto noticed the fleeing fleet of fangirls running to their base somewhere else to plot world domination and what kind of pizza they would have that night.

“Want me to get the ladder again?” He cheerfully called. “School’s almost out!” Sabata shook his head and waited for the bell to ring before he could jump off. Even with his grace and training with immortals, he landed flat on his face.

“At least the grass was soft…” He muttered, hitting Netto for his incessant laughter. He regained his PET, with Django whining inside of it, and covered up to face the rays of the sun.

“Ah, Netto-kun, you have email from Papa!” Rockman suddenly chimed. He pulled into the background, bringing a little letter icon to the screen.

“’Netto, I’m sorry I can’t come home tonight. Someone created a new chip and asked us to test it. Tell your mother I’m sorry.’” Netto read aloud. “…Let’s go to the Science labs to see this new chip!”

“…Is Netto always like this?”

“Sadly, yes.”


Sabata dearly regretted following the hyperactive brunette to the science laboratory center. The heat had beat down on him and a few times, security guards stopped him to take off his hood, letting his skin smoke up in the sunlight, freaking all of them out. After smoking up for the fifth time, he decided that Netto’s plan was too dangerous for his health. Worse than the sun were the more creepy fangirls that squeal over something called “yaoi”. He felt their devious plotting each time they asked where Django was. With much threatening with the Gun Del Hel and picking up something heavy to throw, those fangirls finally left him at peace. With much dodging, Sabata caught up to Netto, who was standing outside of a large building.

“What took you so long?” He whined, opening the door for the Dark Boy and flinched at his fierce glare. “What?!”

“Is this a good idea?” Django asked from the darkness of his PET carrier.

“Papa will understand.” Rockman replied. “After all… Netto-kun does this all the time!” Sabata followed Netto up the elevator a few floors above the ground. Yuuichirou Hikari noticed the brunette through the crowd and smiled to himself.

“I knew I shouldn’t have sent you that email!” He exclaimed, petting his son. He glanced at Sabata in curiosity.

“Papa, this is Soltone Sabata!” Netto quickly said, noticing the way his father looked at the Dark Boy.

“Ah, Django’s brother, no?”

“How did you…?”

“A few of my students are, as they are called, ‘fangirls’.”

Sabata felt like crying as soon as he saw the crowd of giggling girls.

“Hey Rockman, think that we should go see Malik and Bulbman?” Django sighed from the lab computers. The azure navi nodded and led the boy around to a link to the Internet. The two headed for Malik’s homepage and entered to find many tables with links open.

“…You know, I don’t think you should be a RikuSora fan, Marikku.”

“But I got Chain of Memories!”

“Yeah, you got the Chain of Memories ROM!”

“It should be legal for us independent navis!”

“How so?”

“How are we supposed to pick up the real game?”


Django cleared his voice, gaining Malik and Bulbman’s attention. Realizing that the two were in a governmental complex, the female navi quickly hid her ROM collection behind her back.

“Malik, is that illegal software behind your back?” Rockman questioned.


Meanwhile, Django squinted to read something behind Malik’s back.

“…Is that a link to adult fanfiction?”



A loud chuckle startled the four as twin navis made their presence obvious. They both had a similar design with stripes and armor guards in the same general place. They also had four distinctive jewels on their helmets with a ribbon shooting out from each. The one who had chuckled had a dark and sinister look while the other was calm and kind.

“You independent navis never cease to amuse me.” The dark navi chuckled. She had sleek black hair and a pair of shades omitting her eyes. Her armor guards and stripes were violet and her general body suit was a dark blue. Her helmet ribbons sharply fell down and back up in a narrow curve.

“She’s only jealous of your freedom.” The lighter sighed. Her hair was a fluffy white, matching her limp ribbons. Her body suit was also a dark blue but there was pink where purple was on her twin navi.

“How’d you get into my server?!” Malik demanded, throwing all of her illegal software and yaoi bookmarks into a separate link.

“Followed these two.” The dark navi replied, pointing at Rockman and Django. “’s the name. is my ‘good twin.’”

“Oh lord, fannavis…”

Naito snorted.

“Fannavis?! Hell no!”

“Naito likes sneaking behind new navis.” Hori explained, stepping aside to avoid her dark counterpart’s fist of fury.

“I do not!”

“Naito! There you are! Sneaking up on navis again, are we now?”

Netto noticed a girl and boy with similar features standing besides them from the plug in port. Sabata deducted that the boy was Naito’s operator and the girl was Hori’s. However, he knew Netto was about to ask if the pair of navis belonged to them.

“Are these your navis?” Netto asked (Sabata mentally earned a dollar for his prediction).

“Yes, these are.” The girl smiled. “We were supposed to get some experimental chip data over to the main computer but outside of it is rather busy right now.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry for Naito’s rude interuption.” The boy apologized. “I’m Chang Roy, and this is my cousin, Chang Ruki.”

“Ah yes! Ruki-chan and Roy-kun!” Yuuichirou exclaimed. “How has your chip scripts been going?”

“They’re going fine, but something weird went wrong with our sword last night.” Ruki answered. The adult frowned.

“What’s the matter?”

Roy dug into his pockets and pulled out a rather shiny chip and placed it into the scientist’s open hand.

“It was supposed to be a sword, but it turned into Django’s Sword for some reason.”

“How interesting… Oh yes! I’m sure you haven’t met my son, Netto!”

“We just met a few moments ago, Hikari-hakase.”

“Well, I better get back to work!”

Awkward silence caught the four off guard. Ruki hid her homemade Sol De Vice behind her back, blushing in embarrassment.

“Are you really Sabata?” Roy questioned.

“Yes, but don’t let the fangirls know.” Sabata whispered in reply. Ruki suddenly perked up.

“Where’s Django?”

“He’s my navi now.”

Suddenly, the girl was on the floor, hand clamped to her mouth. She was unable to keep little giggles in and soon burst into creepy laughter.

“Oh no, there she goes again and those thoughts.”

Inside of the network, Malik observed this with special interest.

“Alright, you guys can fight vampires with us if she gets me some smut.” She quickly said.

“She’s not of age and neither are you!” Bulbman hissed.

“With this logic, does that mean that anyone who gets you some ‘yaoi’ gets to be one in your league of ‘vampire hunters?’” Naito inquired. If she lost her shades, her raised brow would definitely be visible.

“Sure, why not!”

“…Alright, I’ll go find you some!”

Rockman looked at Django, who returned the gaze.

“This is going to be one interesting group.”
With the same results as Malik had, Ruki had eventually gotten up.

“So, explain why you said you got Django’s Sword as a result in a chip script.” Sabata calmly stated, feeling himself twitch inside.

“Oh yeah… I don’t know what happened myself, but I somehow ended up with a solar chip. Here.”

Ruki held up the same chip she had shown to Netto’s father in her homemade Sol De Vice. The Dark Boy paid no attention to the metal glove and stared at the chip. His vision zoomed out and became aware that she was wearing a copy of the Sol De Vice.

“Is that a Sol De Vice?”

“Oh, no, it’s a copy she made.” Roy replied for her.

“Technically I didn’t really make it… I found the frame in my brother’s room and yeah…”

She removed it from her hand and handed it for Sabata’s inspection.

“It’s very accurate.”


The lines of the Ruki’s Sol De Vice glowed a faint reddish-black but when unnoticed.

“I was wearing it while programming and tapping at the empty chip.”

“That might explain a bit. Ever hear of Solar Forging? That might be what happened.”

“Can I call her the Solar Smith now, Niichan?”

“No Django, no.”


Ruki giggled lightly, smiling at the Sabata who was glaring at his PET screen.

“Such a firm relationship you two have with each other.” She commented. “Wish my own brother was like that… But the past is past.” The girl handed Netto a small slip of paper. “Email me when you feel like talking, or if you want to net-battle Roy or me.”

The two walked off, bickering about something concerning a “Marth” character. Netto merrily skipped off in an awkward way, leaving Sabata to question whether he should be more worried about avoiding “fangirls” or if his sanity will survive. With much weighing of both choices, a combination of the two satisfied him as he pulled out his dark gun to face the deadly (to both his sanity and health) fangirls.
From a bat camera, Fortissimo and Pianissimo watched Ruki and Roy bicker, argue, maim each other, and the like.

“We can use this girl to our advantage.” Fortissimo commented, eyeing the reddish-black glowing of the home made Sol De Vice.

“How so?” Pianissimo inquired.

“She can make solar based chips, right?”


“Remember how Django’s Sol De Vice matched the color of whatever element he was using?”


“Well… I believe by Sabata’s touch, her Sol De Vice changes its elements to dark. And you know what that means, do you?”

“…She can make Dark Chips…”


“I like that plan of yours. However, we have no use for such things.”

“True. But they do come to a use to those weak operated navis in our organization.”

“Of course. But…”


“Let’s just say, someone valuable to our cause won’t like having to be in the presence of this girl."


“Yes. Her.”

“So, no plans of kidnapping innocent people to do our bidding?”

“Not for now.”


Pianissimo laughed at Fortissimo with true amusement for the first time. The loud navi had a “WHAT?!” expression plastered on his face as his companion continued to giggle.

“You really are a pervert, aren’t you?”

“And you’re a slut.”

And for the second time, Pianissimo felt the joys of mirth.

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