He Prays To Us
Trying to make the angels proud
I climb higher trying to reach that cloud
Steps bound to a path I must walk
Oblivious to all the hollow talk
These dreams of demons I do stalk
For dreams of man, they fade like chalk
And tears I save for those brighter days
Crystal tears of angels fall when god prays
He prays to us like we have prayed to him
Asking we save ourselves from dark within
Yet still we listen inward with deaf ears
Our path of light chosen by our fears
Eyes blinded by that light we did seek
None left among us who are truly meek
Leashes of consumption have become our sin
Yet hope we still have, buried so deep within
The light that's given to us from the stars above
An answer ever so simple, for it's our love.
...who will you be dreaming of?
My Poetry Portfolio