Species: Half- Orc
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 8' 0"
Weight: 375 lbs.
Theme Song for Grakk
Appearance: Large and powerful, he wears animal hides with the fangs and claws still attached, and everything else is covered with dirt and scars, one notable scar is from when he wore an iron collar around his neck as a slave.
Personality: simple-minded and equal parts savage and gentle, with a distinct hatred of civilization
Childhood-His mother was an orc and his father was a human. Both were exiles from their community and had only each other for companionship as they traveled. Eventually, they had a child. On the road constantly, it was a tough life.
Combat Training-When Grakk was about five his parents were killed in a raid by hobgoblins. Grakk was captured and sold into slavery. Life eventually found him in the fighting pits as a gladiator.
Escape- As fate would have it, sometime after his twelfth birthday, a slave revolt happened when a large barbarian force sacked the city. He grabbed a weapon off a fallen city guard as soon as he could and hacked a bloody swath to the wilderness, striking down anyone who got in his way. When he stopped running and looked back, the city he had lived in was on fire. He eventually was able to tear the iron collar off of his neck and lived off the land, hating civilization and creatures from it. There were attempts to recapture him, but all were failures. With every person or group of people he killed or beat up for his freedom, his selection of equipment grew.
Recently: Nobody has come after him, but he still doesn’t dare go near large cities if he can help it. He makes a living in the wild, occasionally teaming up with groups of people to adventure.
Great axe- This was one of the weapons the first retrieval group had. He picked it up because it looked big and nasty, he liked it immediately.
Weight- 12 pounds
Knife- This seems very small to him, but it’s an essential tool.
Length- 12 inches
Blade Length- 7 inches
Weight- 1 pound
Studded Leather- A Brigandine made of leather with iron studs attached. It’s hard to find equipment in his size.
Other Possessions:
Water skin
Flint and Steel
Rage: Grakk occasionally flies into a screaming blood fury. Just seeing it, according to witnesses, is quite unnerving. While in this state, his eyes become bloodshot, his muscles bulge, his lips curl back, revealing his pointed teeth and he foams from the mouth. His intent is to destroy everything within 30 feet. These rages usually only come in the heat of combat, though, and are exhausting sometimes to the point of unconsciousness, and he needs rest before he can do it again.