Total Value: 3,607,556 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mint Buttercream Rose
Vanilla Buttercream Rose
Buttercream Rose
Nartian Rock 2nd Gen.
Day of the Dead
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Gogh Reed
Giant Syringe
Magical Mender
Panda Hoodie

Total Value: 1,037,640 Gold
After Exclusions: 447,282 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Spirited Gloves
Cat Band
Spirited 2k7 Peppermint Lollipop
Whipped Cream
Spirited Socks
Elven Ears
Science Camp Thick Eyeglasses
Angelic Manner
White And Ice Reversible Hair Pins
Red And Maroon Reversible Hair Pins
Kottan Bell 6th Gen
Red Argyle Sweater
Kodiac Grizzly Bear Slippers
Masquerade 8th Gen.