~misfit ming~
Why was I born this way? So different from the others?
Why is it people judge me of my color?
Why was I taught to be respectful of those who disrespect me?
To those of even my own kind who mock my ancestry?
Why was I born into such a group?
A group who has forgotten it's root?
A group viewed upon as violent, ghetto, and loud
Why should I be proud?
I lived in the ghetto and moved 3000 miles away
I moved to a new state
New home, new school, new acquaintances
Interesting and upsetting to see how they feel my race is
Such diversity
But mine a mockery
Had Ebonics Day, saggin jeans, and the "n" word
Really wasn't sure which way my fists would turn
So why was I born this way?
For people to ask me how I like my chicken or my koolaid?
For people to call me shaquisha, shaquana, or shanaynay?
For people to ask me why blacks names are wierd and our hair is nappy?
For people to assume that because of a black president I'm happy and congratulate me?
Why was I born this way?
Because I have strength
Because no matter how angry I get, I can back away
Though before I do, I might have my say
Because I know my roots and where I'm from
Because I stand out in my group, not like everyone
Because I've gone through much through the path I walk
Because maybe God knows I can take all the talk
Because I know I am me and not what others perceive of me
That is why Black is the color i was born to be